Yinchuan, November 11 (Reporter Li Peishan) At the time when the wine grape vines at the eastern foot of Helan Mountain in Ningxia were buried in the soil for wintering, from November 22th to 11nd, the "Local Tour of Envoys to China" activity with the theme of "Wine Industry on the Gobi Desert" was launched in Ningxia. Thirteen envoys, diplomats and representatives of foreign local institutions in China from five countries, including Ghana, Bulgaria, Japan, Australia and Germany, walked into wineries of different styles at the foot of Helan Mountain and immersed themselves in the unique charm of Ningxia's wine culture.

Diplomatic envoys, diplomats and representatives of foreign local agencies in China learned about the vine burial work at Helanshen Winery. Photo by Chinanews reporter Cui Nan

There is a unique scenery at the foot of the eastern foothills of Helan Mountain in winter. In the vineyards, workers are burying vines in an orderly manner; In the winery, the bunches of grapes harvested in autumn have been transformed into delicious wines in fermentation vats; In the winery B&B, there is an endless stream of tourists experiencing a different kind of holiday fun. While enjoying a moment of tranquility, the representatives of the diplomatic missions in China also entered the vineyard to experience the fun of planting vines.

Deng Fei (right), Food and Agriculture Counsellor of the German Embassy in China, tastes Ningxia wine. Photo by Chinanews reporter Cui Nan

As China's largest wine grape concentration and winery wine production area, "burying the soil in winter and unearthing in the spring equinox" is a unique way of grape cultivation at the eastern foot of Helan Mountain. When winter comes, the vines are pruned and buried with soil to help them survive the harsh winter. At the vernal equinox, the vines are dug up from the soil again, racked and tied. For Ningxia, which has an arid climate, covering soil and burying it in winter can not only play the role of heat preservation and frost resistance, but also reduce water evaporation, which is conducive to the excavation of vines in the coming year.

From the Lu Jiu Square of Zhihui Yuanshi Winery, you can see the sports park under construction at the foot of Helan Mountain. Photo by Chinanews reporter Cui Nan

Such a green development mode runs through the development of Ningxia's wine industry. Over the past 30 years, Ningxia has combined the wine industry with the strengthening of the management of the Yellow River beach area and ecological restoration, and has built a 195-kilometer wine grape planting corridor. With the help of the vineyard's "deep ditch and shallow planting" planting method and water-saving irrigation technology, 35,<> acres of barren beach has been turned into an oasis, the former abandoned mine pit has become an ecological winery, and the vineyard has become a storage project, realizing the high-quality development road of organic integration of wine and ecological restoration, environmental protection and pollution control.

At the wine promotion meeting in the eastern foothills of Helan Mountain, Winfred Hammond, Ambassador of Ghana to China, delivered a speech. Photo by Chinanews reporter Cui Nan

"If I hadn't seen it with my own eyes, I would have found it hard to believe that Ningxia could turn a vast expanse of the desolate Gobi Desert into a lush 'sea of green' and produce fine wines." Standing in the vineyard, Ghana's ambassador to China, Winfred Hammond, expressed his heartfelt emotion that "small grapes" have achieved Ningxia's green "big ecology", "If you want to find an investment partner in China in green development, I will definitely recommend Ningxia." Wheat straw squares for desertification prevention and control, efficient use of clean energy... There are so many stories in Ningxia that are worth telling to the world. I'm also looking forward to drinking Ningxia wine in Ghana. ”

During the walk, the representatives of the diplomatic missions in China were amazed not only by the green development of the wine industry, but also by the vivid embodiment of the wine industry helping Ningxia get rid of poverty. According to statistics, Ningxia's wine, wolfberry and other industries provide farmers with more than 25,20 jobs and more than <> billion yuan (RMB, the same below) income every year. Walking into the sales showroom of the winery, the trained local villagers acted as anchors, and the scene of bringing goods through the live broadcast on the screen also attracted the attention of the representatives of the diplomatic delegation in China.

Minister Counsellor of the Australian Embassy in China, Fan Siming (third from left), was attracted by the scene of Helan Shen Winery staff bringing goods live. Photo by Chinanews reporter Cui Nan

With the rapid development of the wine industry, the eastern foothills of Helan Mountain have also become a must-visit place for tourists to visit Ningxia. Parent-child picking, research experience, self-brewing experience, tasting and leisure, stargazing camping... At the eastern foot of Helan Mountain, wine culture tourism has opened up the multi-faceted side of the winery and released more possibilities for the integration of culture and tourism in Ningxia.

"At the eastern foot of Helan Mountain, every winery is like a treasure worth visiting." Deng Fei, Food and Agriculture Counsellor of the German Embassy in China, said that German wine has now joined the concept of cultural tourism, which is very suitable for Ningxia, "I hope to have further cooperation with Ningxia in agriculture, culture, tourism and other aspects." ”

The Chargé d'Affaires ad interim of the Bulgarian Embassy in China, Yordanov, also said that Bulgaria and Ningxia have room for in-depth cooperation in wine viticulture, brewing, sales and other aspects. "We will create a better environment for the development of the wine industry in both countries by organizing wine appreciation, tourism events and seminars to raise awareness and interest among consumers in both countries." He said.

During the walk, the representatives of the diplomatic missions in China have formed a deep friendship with Ningxia. The crystal clear grapes and the exquisite wines made with ingenuity have not only created a bluer sky, greener mountains, clearer water, and a more beautiful and livable environment for the people living here for generations, but also created a "purple business card" for Ningxia to go abroad and dialogue with the world, and built a platform for friends from all over the world to deepen exchanges, work together and achieve mutual benefit and win-win results. (ENDS)