• Winning article Even if you say otherwise
  • Third edition Juan Claudio de Ramón, winner of the 2022 David Gistau Journalism Award

The 2023 David Gistau Journalism Award already has its fourth winner: Karina Sainz Borgo for her article Even if you say otherwise. The Venezuelan journalist and writer, part of what critics have called the "literature of the Venezuelan diaspora", has been recognized with this award, given by Vocento and Unidad Editorial, for her article published in the newspaper ABC on November 17, 2022.

In her article, the author reflects on how Spain has changed in the last 20 years, since she and the Peruvian writer Santiago Roncagliolo arrived, both on October 12, and above all how the crisis of 2008 brought with it "the tribes". "A nation is also made up of those who elected it, perhaps because there is something luminous in a society that in forty years has done what many have not achieved in a century," writes Karina Sainz Borgo. "What is surprising is that a part of its citizenry does not remember it or, even worse, that it buys the damaged merchandise of a self-interested oblivion."

The jury, made up of four firms from EL MUNDO and four from Vocento, highlighted that the journalist and writer "has been able to express with a literary pulse the moment that Spanish society is experiencing from her own and original angle that portrays us better than we perceive ourselves". "The article is an appeal to encounter and raises the need to take care of our coexistence from a place of hope," said Gonzalo Suárez, Leyre Iglesias, Maite Rico and Pablo Gil, Teresa Cobo de la Hera, Diego S. Garrocho, Rosario Pérez and Jesús García Calero.

As soon as she learned of the jury's deliberation, Karina Sainz Borgo posted a photo with her son with a brief dialogue on her X account:

"They just called. I've won the Gistau for Journalism!

-Au! Don't squeeze me so hard. Congratulations!


Karina Sainz Borgo thus becomes Juan Claudio de Ramón's successor in the fourth edition of the David Gistau Journalism Award, sponsored by the ACS Foundation and Santander, which pays tribute to the journalist who died in February 2020 and who spent much of his career in the newspapers EL MUNDO and ABC, and highlights the value of the independent and quality journalism that David Gistau honestly and courageously embodied.

In its latest edition, the jury recognized the work of Juan Claudio de Ramón for his article Am I a feminist?, published in the newspaper EL MUNDO on March 7, 2022. The jury, which selected the article from more than 200 nominations, noted that the author addressed "with elegance, serenity and without stridency a debate that has become visceral due to ideological biases". "In a simple, well-written and concise style, Juan Claudio de Ramón avoids reductionism, boldly illuminates the less visible faces of a bitter debate and invites the reader to think for himself," said the jury. "In this way, he turns his text into a vindication of freedom of expression in the public conversation."

The members of the jury, together with the director of EL MUNDO Joaquín Manso.BERNARDO DÍAZ

The prize, endowed with 10,000 euros, selects the best collaborations or pieces of journalistic opinion in print or digital press, radio or television. This year, more than 200 applications have been received.

After an initial selection where the best works were evaluated, the winner of the fourth edition was announced this Wednesday after the deliberation of a jury made up of eight experts in the area of journalism and opinion: four from Unidad Editorial and four from Vocento.

On behalf of Unidad Editorial, the jury was made up of Gonzalo Suárez, editor-in-chief of EL MUNDO; Leyre Iglesias, Deputy Director of Opinion at EL MUNDO; Maite Rico, deputy director of LA LECTURA; and Pablo Gil, editor-in-chief of Culture at EL MUNDO. On behalf of Vocento, the jurors were Teresa Cobo de la Hera, director of La Rioja; Diego S. Garrocho, Head of Opinion at ABC; Rosario Pérez, Culture editor at ABC; and Jesús García Calero, director of ABC Cultural and president of the jury.