Ningde, November 11 (Zhang Yuhui) Recently, the theme interview activity of "Four Grassroots Units" came to Fu'an City and Xiapu County, Ningde City, Fujian Province. Ningde was born by the sea and prospered because of the sea, and when it comes to Ningde, we have to talk about the sea, and every page of Ningde's development process is engraved with the imprint of the sea.

Walking in Xiaqi Village, Fu'an City, a picture of a modern village, there are still memories of the fishermen who once went ashore; Looking at the sea fish rafts in Xiapu County, fishermen live and work in peace and contentment in the "sea community", continuing the trajectory of life towards the sea. From moving up to building, Ningde recited this "Classic of Mountains and Seas" and took a good road to get rich.

Scenery of Xiapu County. Photo by Zhang Yuhui by

Brought Up: The Shore Trip of the "Family Boat People".

Once, the ancestors of Xiaqi Village in Fu'an City made a living by begging for Xiaohai, and a small wooden boat was the home of several generations. "Home is connected to the boat, the boat is connected to the home", "the boat people with the family" have been living a life of drifting at sea, "a broken boat hangs a broken net, three generations of grandparents and grandchildren have a boat, catch fish and shrimp for bran vegetables, and leak time up and down", which is the portrayal of the life of the boat people who even have their families in those years.

In front of a former boat resettlement house, Jiang Chengcai, a villager from Xiaqi Village, looked at the first real residence in his life and told the story of his landing.

Before going ashore, Jiang Chengcai fished at sea with his parents since he was a child, and the family of six lived on a 7-meter-long and 2-meter-wide boat, and the family's belongings were a quilt, an earthen stove and a few fishing nets, and they only had a dozen yuan on them. In Jiang Chengcai's memory, the most fearful thing is that the typhoon is coming, "We don't dare to think back to our previous lives, as soon as the storm came, the boat overturned, and the whole family was very afraid."

It was not until 1997 that Xiaqi Village adopted the method of "phased and batched comprehensive relocation", and within three years 339 houses were built, and 511,2310 people from <> households in the village were relocated ashore, bidding farewell to the wandering life. Jiang Chengcai recalled that when he first moved into the resettlement house in the village, his father lay down on the bed and got up again, because he was used to every night when he used to sway to sleep on the boat, and he was even a little unaccustomed to moving to the house and sleeping in bed. The government also distributed free mattresses to the villagers, and slowly, Jiang Chengcai's family got used to sleeping in a bed.

Xiaqi village style. Photo by Zhang Yuhui by

"We don't have an inch of land, but we have a relationship with the sea." After going ashore, Jiang Chengcai worked in the pond, learned breeding techniques, and organized and called on the villagers to invest together, from a few hundred yuan per person to a joint investment of more than 30,<> yuan, leading them to contract the pond to breed razor clams, "After making money, everyone is happy." Later, he used the first pot of gold earned from clam farming to lead more than <> villagers to engage in pile foundation engineering. Until now, breeding and piling are still the characteristic industries on which Xiaqi Village depends.

From scratch, from moving up, living down to getting rich, the villagers of Xiaqi Village have joined hands on the road to prosperity. In 2022, the per capita net income of Xiaqi Village will increase from less than 30360,133 yuan when it went ashore to <>,<> yuan, and the village financial income will be <>.<> million yuan.

Build Up: A Governance Model for "Maritime Communities".

In Xiapu County, the coastal county with the largest sea area in the province, marine aquaculture is the main mode of production and operation of the local people. Local crew members told Chinanews that in the waters of Xiapu County, fishermen in the coastal waters will live at sea for 15 days to one month, and fishermen in the far sea will live at sea for up to six months or even seven to eight months. The construction of "maritime communities" provides guarantees for the production and livelihood of fishermen.

"Small things don't go out, big things don't go ashore, conflicts don't turn in, and services don't lack places", "maritime communities" integrate infrastructure such as medical care, sanitation, and education. In October 2022, Xiapu County launched the construction of an institutionalized "maritime community" in the sea area of 10 key townships and towns, taking the Qixing Sea Area of Xinan Town as a pilot to graft the "Fengqiao Experience" from the land to the sea, and participating in maritime governance, conflict resolution, serving the masses and maintaining stability by organizing the majority of party members and cadres to sink into the sea area.

Kasumigaura Prefecture Sea Fish Steak. Photo by Zhang Yuhui by

At the site of the "Heart-to-Heart Day" activity at the grassroots level of the Xiapu County Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision, Chinanews noticed that a villager was visiting, and he filled in the problems related to the narrowness of the village road on the visit record form.

Lan Changzhao, secretary of the Discipline Inspection Commission of Xinan Town, said that after collecting the problems of the masses, the discipline inspection and supervision department will conduct preliminary research and judgment, and the problems in the business will be promoted in the department according to the process, and the problems outside the business will be classified and the feasibility of solving the problems will be judged and judged, and the relevant functional departments will be docked, and the progress of the problems will be followed up, and the problems that cannot be solved will be explained to the masses.

"Our town discipline inspection commission is the closest to the grassroots, and every month we will go to the village to collect problems, and do a good job of connecting the masses with functional departments, and the county discipline inspection commission will regularly visit the problems of the villagers." Lan Changzhao said that for the reception of letters and visits, only by going down can we change from passive to active, "for example, where is the difficulty in handling the breeding license, sitting on the 'top' is not understood, and only after 'coming down' can we understand where the difficulties of the masses are, our village cadres may not be able to grasp the family situation of each of the masses, and not every mass will take the initiative to inform us, in the process of communicating with us, the channels for the masses to make demands will be smoother."

Since 2022, Xiapu County has adjusted more than 200 large and small sea-related and fishery-related disputes, including 51 major sea-related and fishery-related disputes, with a mediation success rate of 100% and an amount of more than 550.<> million yuan. The fishermen have a better understanding and support for the work of "Fengqiao on the Sea", which has laid a mass foundation for promoting the governance of maritime society. (ENDS)