Huaihua, Nov. 11 (CNN) -- "Flower arrangement" has become a "back garden" Xinhuang, Hunan Province has transformed border towns into investment depressions

Author: Yang Xianghui, Yang Changjin

Located in the westernmost part of Hunan, Xinhuang Dong Autonomous County borders Guizhou Province on three sides, and it is like the tip of a person's nose inserted into the boundary of Guizhou on the map. This special area means that Xinhuang has a long and complex junction zone, and it also means that how to innovate the management of the junction directly determines the rebirth of Dong Township.

In 2023, Xinhuang will make every effort to implement the "Dong Township Millions Project" and the construction of ten major actions for the improvement and improvement of the rural living environment.

The county seat of Xinhuang Dong Autonomous County. Photo by Mi Jiefu

The "Boundary Six" opens up multiple arteries

The special geographical location makes the market towns and villages of Xinhuang often half in Xinhuang and half in Guizhou, and this kind of intersecting land has a beautiful name, called "flower arrangement". There are many "flower arrangement", often no flowers to be inserted, which is a lagging place for economy and management. Umbrella Town is located in the westernmost part of Xinhuang, the town is bordered by four counties, six towns and two streets in Guizhou, and 21 roads run through Guizhou. The local government promoted the "Border Six" from a high position to explore and solve problems.

"If we want to break through the management vacuum and develop, we need to strengthen the ties between the two places and break through all kinds of management blockages. A few years ago, we established an inter-provincial border liaison station. Zhong Xiaohua, Secretary of the Party Committee of Umbrella Town, introduced that after the establishment of the inter-provincial border liaison station, the leaders of the townships bordering Guizhou often get together, from the initial discussion of the co-governance of the environment and public security, to the later joint creation of resources and industries.

The inter-provincial liaison station has become a "pioneering axe". The border liaison station has developed from meeting after meeting to agreement after agreement, and then to constantly improving the "border six-link" mechanism, and the vacuum, fuzzy, and chaotic zones that were once managed have been eliminated step by step, and all kinds of blockages have been opened up, forming an increasingly powerful "border association".

In Xinhuang County, this kind of exploration of border cooperation has achieved remarkable results in the construction of peace, human settlements, and rural customs and civilization. After the traffic, street, environment, public security and other management holes were opened, Umbrella Town boldly built a cross-provincial industrial base. This test of the water, clarified the property rights, responsibilities and division of labor, a border town turned into a rural revitalization of the gold-absorbing town, the formation of cattle, yellow essence, soybeans, flue-cured tobacco and photovoltaic "four yellows and one light" of the characteristic industry, photovoltaic power generation alone can obtain industrial dividends of 48,13 yuan every year, 7451 villages <>,<> people directly benefit.

Xinhuang County Fuluo Town flue-cured tobacco base. Photo by Yao Ronghua

Because of the openness of the border area, the Umbrella Town Government has tried various new industries such as rabbit breeding, Ganoderma lucidum cultivation, and industrial chili peppers; At the same time, it will build an online sales platform and encourage rural Internet celebrity anchors to embrace new markets with an open attitude.

Xinhuang County Agriculture and Rural Bureau summarized the experience of border cooperation, and strengthened border cooperation in the county, vigorously advocated building a new platform for border cooperation on the basis of "joint party building + border six", and normalized the establishment of information sharing mechanism, work and study exchange mechanism, and investment promotion and consultation mechanism with the border Guizhou area, so as to make full use of and complement the resource advantages of both sides, and become the development advantage of the border area.

Border towns have been transformed into investment depressions

Linchong Town, Xinhuang County, which is adjacent to Liangyu Town, is adjacent to Dalong Town, Tongren, Guizhou, and is also a typical border township. For a long time, Guizhou Dalong Economic Development Zone has attracted a large number of villagers from Linchong Town to work. Lin Chongzhen had to think about how to prevent the hollowing out of villages and towns?

To this end, Lin Chong Town actively communicated and cooperated with Dalong Town, and used the regular consultation mechanism and the border six-joint comprehensive management mechanism to set up committee studios and representative studios to realize resource sharing and border co-governance between the two places. In terms of improving the quality of the living environment, the Dalong Economic and Technological Development Zone shares the construction of sewage network management, and exempts the sewage treatment fee of Linchong Town; Linchong Town shares resource information and labor training, and the two places communicate with each other, making Linchong Town's labor economy, border trade economy and "three yellow and one white" (cattle, yellow essence, flue-cured tobacco, pigs) agricultural economy become the troika of the local economy.

Now, Dalong Town and Lin Chong Town are trying to cooperate more deeply. In the second half of 2022, Daoding Dabao Hechuang Agricultural Development Co., Ltd., which was invested by Tongren Dalong Town with an investment of 500 million yuan and operated by Daoding Village and Dabao Village of Xinhuang Linchong Town, was established, covering an area of 200 acres and a large-scale farm with a scale of 1000,<> cattle to be built in the deep mountains on the border of the two provinces to jointly expand the future of the new economy.

"Xinhuang cattle grow slowly, and the profits from feeding according to the traditional model are meager. In May this year, we specially introduced 5 high-quality breeding cattle from Australia, and worked with experts from Hunan Agricultural University to improve local cattle breeds and try to increase the quality. Wu Jishu, the head of the company, looked at the new varieties that came from the ocean, and his eyes were full of hope.

"Xinhuang Yellow Beef" has become a well-known national geographical indication, selling well in more than 20 provinces and cities across the country. It is estimated that by 2025, the county's cattle breeding volume will be 16,8 heads, and the sales revenue of beef processed products will reach 24.<> billion yuan.

Wu Jishu is pleased not only that the Xinhuang cattle industry is about to usher in a breakthrough development, but also that the local government has turned an idle deep mountain forest into a treasure gathering place through long-term cooperation between the two places, bringing together the capital, manpower, technology and market of Hunan and Guizhou.

The border trade economy has been accelerated and the construction of rural areas in the United States has been accelerated

Pingnan Village in Umbrella Town, Xinhuang County, has more than 500 acres of Dongjia terraced fields, known as "the most beautiful curve on the earth". Every spring when the rice fields are covered with green and the autumn rice waves are golden, the terraced fields are crowded with tourists from Hunan and Guizhou. The umbrella village of Fuluo Town relies on the high-level export of Dong culture to bring in foreign tourists and export Dong specialties.

Pingnan terraces, umbrella town, Xinhuang County. Photo by Yao Benrong

The differentiated development of fish market towns 50 kilometers apart focuses on promoting new high-density ecological aquaculture projects, and transporting green and ecological aquatic products to surrounding provinces, cities and counties, with an output value of 45,200 yuan per mu and an annual output value of more than <> million yuan.

With the "six borders" as the cooperation mechanism, Xinhuang is moving from the past border lag to a new development model of "one body and two wings" with the joint economy as the body and the resources and markets of the two places as the wings. This new model of linkage construction has undoubtedly accelerated the construction of Xinhuang's "Dong Township Millions Project" and beautiful villages.

Linkage funding. Xinhuang has established a "four-in-one" investment mechanism of government financial support, social participation, village collective co-construction, and self-raising by the masses, and set up a village-level "happiness fund" to spend every penny.

Linkage manpower. In the context of limited manpower in the countryside, Xinhuang has joined forces with women, party members, five elders, village sages, and college students to form a "colorful" volunteer service team to carry out the work of publicity, mobilization, demonstration, assistance, and supervision for a long time, so that the temporary beauty of the countryside has become the normal beauty.

Linkage culture. Relying on Dong culture, culture, rice culture, red culture, etc., Xinhuang holds traditional festivals of the Dong nationality, excavates the history of Dong villages in various villages, and promotes the characteristic creation of Hemei villages.

Thanks to the resource linkage effect activated by Hemei rural construction, in the first half of this year, the income of rural residents in Xinhuang achieved an increase of 8.1%. Up to now, Xinhuang has created a total of 1 provincial-level beautiful demonstration township, 5 provincial-level beautiful villages, 1 municipal-level beautiful township, 5 municipal-level rural human settlements improvement demonstration villages, and 19 municipal-level beautiful villages.

Umbrella Village in Xinhuang County was rated as "National Rural Governance Demonstration Village". Photo by Yao Benrong

"This year, we plan to build 1 Hemei township, 1 Hemei village demonstration piece, 11 Hemei villages, 137 Hemei villages, and 1370,<> Hemei courtyards." Yang Shunbi, director of the Agriculture and Rural Affairs Bureau of Xinhuang Dong Autonomous County, said that the linkage effect is turning the border of Xinhuang into a place where the strength of the two provinces gathers, and Hemei Village is blooming in the mountains and forests, flat land, and Dong villages on the border of the two provinces. (ENDS)