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Luisenplatz in Darmstadt: Scene of the momentous confrontation

Photo: Torsten Krueger / CHROMORANGE / IMAGO

In Darmstadt, a 57-year-old man died in hospital after an alleged beating attack by a 15-year-old. As police and prosecutors in the Hessian city jointly announced, the victim, presumably from the homeless milieu, succumbed to his serious injuries from punches and kicks on Thursday evening, despite all medical efforts.

According to investigators, two brothers, aged 15 and 18, are suspected of attacking the man early Wednesday morning in a waiting hall in a public square in Darmstadt, stealing his wallet. The younger is said to have injured the 57-year-old life-threatening by punches and kicks. A witness alerted the police, who were able to arrest the two suspects at the scene.

The 15-year-old was remanded in custody on Thursday on the basis of a court order, he is charged with attempted murder and robbery, among other things. His 18-year-old brother was released from custody, according to investigators, because he could not prove with the necessary certainty that he was involved in the alleged homicide. However, the investigation continued.
