Europe 1 16:30 p.m., November 16, 2023

On Thursday morning, Médiamétrie published the radio audiences for the period September-October 2023 in a difficult context for the radio market. With 2,139,000 million listeners, Europe 1 has attracted 176,000 new listeners since the end of the season (the best growth of generalist stations).

With 2,139,000 million listeners, Europe 1 has attracted 176,000 new listeners since the end of the season (the best growth of generalist stations). Its share of radio listening has also increased, with a share of 3.3% (+0.2 pt in one year) and an increase in listening time (+3 minutes).

Dimitri Pavlenko, Pascal Praud, Céline Géraud and Laurence Ferrari boost Europe 1's audiences

Europe 1 Matin (7am-9am), hosted by Dimitri Pavlenko, is listened to by 1,158,000 people; it is growing on all indicators: +82,000 listeners in one year in cumulative audience (AC) and +0.7pt in audience share. A morning show that retains its main appointments, including: La Grande interview with Sonia Mabrouk, editorials by Vincent Hervouët, Alexis Brézet and Vincent Trémolet de Villers, as well as Les signatures de Gaspard Proust, Philippe Val and Catherine Nay, not to mention the unmissable Prescriptions culture with Nicolas Carreau in the lead. A morning show that welcomes new appointments: La revue de presse embodied by Olivier de Lagarde and Le zapping d'Europe 1 signed by Dimitri Vernet, Jérôme Béglé and Charlotte d'Ornellas.

Pascal Praud, the station's new recruit, who collects listeners' testimonies every day between 11 a.m. and 13 p.m., welcomes many new loyal fans in one year: +84,000 and a +0.8pt.

Céline Géraud at the helm of Europe 1 13 p.m. and Laurence Ferrari with Punchline!follow this trend with a PdA up by +0.6pt and +0.7pt respectively in one year.

These results confirm the public's support for the station's information events and the installation of the morning show led by Dimitri Pavlenko for the past 3 seasons. Other successes are also driving this new growth, including: La libre antenne by Olivier Delacroix and Valérie Darmon with 38,000 new listeners and +1.4pt of audience share in one year.
Entertainment also remains at the heart of Europe 1's programmes: Culture Médias with Thomas Isle as the new incarnation (+31,000 listeners in one year), the unbeatable Christophe Hondelatte for Hondelatte Raconte, (best listening time on generalist radio between 14 p.m. and 15 p.m.) and Stéphane Bern, who brings a dose of daily history with Historiquement Nôtre (+3 minutes of listening time in one year).

Strong growth in digital

Europe 1 has also recorded strong growth in its digital listening: with nearly 120 million views over the period September-October 2023, Europe 1, notably the 1st generalist station on YouTube, has made a record start to the season (+84% in one year) on its social channels (YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, TikTok and Snapchat).

The station, which joined the ACPM rankings at the beginning of the season, also accumulated more than 10.1 million streaming sessions during the month of October. These advances are a reward for the in-depth work carried out over more than a year by the digital and social media teams.

Sources: Médiamétrie AEOI - National. Europe 1 / Sept.-Oct. 2023 vs April-June 2023 and September-October 2023 / Monday-Friday / 5am-24am, 7am-9am, 9am-11am, 11am-13pm, 13pm-14pm, 14pm-15pm, 15pm-16pm, 18pm-19pm, 22pm-01pm, 13pm-<>am, <>+, AC, PdA and DEA.