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Presenter duo Joko & Klaas with the suitcase of money: Hidden between Niederbobritzsch and Oberbobritzsch

Photo: ProSieben / picture alliance / dpa

For the past week, TV entertainers Joko Winterscheidt and Klaas Heufer-Umlauf had been using the airtime gained in their show "Joko & Klaas vs. ProSieben" to send the audience into a frenzy: A suitcase containing one million euros was hidden in an unknown location; In short contributions to the ProSieben program, Joko and Klaas gave hints for the treasure hunt.

After a week, the treasure hunt came to an end on Tuesday evening: Shortly before 20:45 p.m., a TV viewer named Tobias from Bobritzsch-Hilbersdorf in Saxony knocked on the door of a van in which Joko Winterscheidt was waiting with the silver suitcase. In the last puzzle, the geo-coordinates of the van's location had to be guessed. According to this, the treasure was located on a road between Niederbobritzsch and Oberbobritzsch. Finder Tobias revealed that he is home only ten minutes away.

The viewer then had to enter a code into the suitcase, which he had a hard time with due to nervousness. On the second attempt, it worked and the suitcase popped open – the million goes to Tobias. His first reaction was the exclamation "Thank you Papaplatte!"

With this, Tobias revealed himself to be part of the community of the Twitch streamer Papaplatte, in which they had puzzled along last week. Joining the show "Late Night Berlin", content creator Kevin "Papaplatte" Teller said that with the swarm intelligence of around 20,000 people, the puzzles of the treasure hunt were rather easy to solve. The fact that a member of his community had finally found the treasure was something he called "terribly awesome".

The rather shy millionaire winner Tobias told Klaas Heufer-Umlauf's late-night show that the money was initially to be used for a family vacation. They have been saving together for a long time in order to be able to travel to the Maldives in 2027. Now this would probably be possible sooner.
