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The transport box was found, but the valuable contents were not

Photo: Federal Police Directorate Sankt Augustin

In North Rhine-Westphalia, a man stole a stem cell donation from an express train. The ICE was on its way from Arnhem to Duisburg. The thief stole the transport case in passing, the federal police in Sankt Augustin said. The box was later found at Duisburg Central Station, but it was empty except for two blood donations.

According to the information, a 59-year-old Frenchman was on business with the stem cells on Monday when the box was stolen on the train. The Frenchman was still trying to pursue the suspect.

On video recordings, the alleged perpetrator could finally be identified as a thief known to the police. A manhunt has so far been unsuccessful. The man is awaiting criminal proceedings for theft.

Stem cells are responsible for blood formation in the body. Their transplantation is particularly important in the treatment of leukemia. The search is often difficult and lengthy, as the recipient and donor must be genetically very similar.
