■ Viewpoint

Professor Zhang's popularity also shows that "the gold content of knowledge can also bring a large flow".

The earliest strings of Chinese people appeared in the Changle Han Tomb in Zhongwei, Ningxia; Why are fritters fried in pairs? Because the stall owner of Lin'an in the Southern Song Dynasty was upset for Yue Fei, he pinched Qin Hui and his wife into "fried juniper"... Recently, Professor Zhang Liangren, who is deeply involved in "unpopular majors", has become popular! The reason is that eating too seriously.

According to the Yangtze Evening News Purple Cow News, Zhang Liangren is a professor and doctoral supervisor in the Department of Archaeology and Cultural Relics at the School of History of Nanjing University. After graduating from the Department of Archaeology of Peking University, he joined the Institute of Archaeology of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences and joined the School of History of Nanjing University in 2014. He is mainly engaged in prehistoric archaeology in Northwest China and Eurasia.

However, when I clicked on a short video account of Professor Zhang, I was greeted not by a bookish atmosphere, but by the strong aroma of food. The above knowledge points are from the video series "Archaeologist's Food Journey".

Just looking at the title of the short video, it makes people's appetite move and gluttonous insects vibrate - firewood wontons, duck fat baked cakes, sugar porridge lotus root, sauerkraut fish. Professor Zhang's culinary footprints have also spread all over the motherland - Datang Sleepless City, Turpan, and Hong Kong. can look at the video, you will find that the meaning of "eating and broadcasting" is not eating, and the delicious food is the wrong payment after all. A meal has been disassembled into countless knowledge points, and before a bite of the meal has been eaten, the "spiritual food" of history and archaeology is very appetizing.

In front of the camera, the 54-year-old Professor Zhang has become an Internet celebrity with a "drama essence" and a "social cow". Behind the camera, Professor Zhang is low-key and humble, rigorous in his studies, because of his eloquence and poor Mandarin, he has been engaged in archaeology for 36 years, and he once "didn't hear anything outside the window". The reason why he chose to break out of the circle is because he hopes to use the fire of short videos to heat up the "unpopular" archaeological knowledge, be understood and loved by more young people, and attract more partners who are interested in archaeology to devote themselves to it.

If there is a threshold for the acquisition of knowledge, then today, there are a group of "knowledge anchors" who are becoming the people who break the threshold. With the help of these professors and academicians, the esoteric and complex knowledge has also become easy to understand; Unpopular content can also stimulate the interest of "chasing more".

Compared with monotonous words and complicated forms, it is easier for the audience to accept and love the seeds of knowledge by using video images to disseminate knowledge and sow the seeds of knowledge in the most interesting way. Nowadays, everyone who studies unpopular knowledge not only has the determination to sit firmly on the "cold bench", but also has the cooking skills to "stir up" the knowledge feast.

Such a knowledge-rich "eating and broadcasting" is refreshing. Previously, Hu Eat Haisai's "Eat Broadcast" and "Big Stomach King" not only wasted food, but also a self-harm behavior, and even caused a tragedy of being sent to the hospital to die. Therefore, multiple platforms have successively stopped eating broadcasts of Big Appetite, and taken measures such as deleting and closing accounts. Professor Zhang's popularity also shows that "the gold content of knowledge can also bring a large flow".

There are many professionals like Professor Zhang who use practical actions to break the wall of knowledge, use the online platform as a "classroom", and use the mobile phone screen as a "blackboard" to return real knowledge to life and connect to the antenna of ordinary people's lives.

For example, a researcher at the Institute of Vertebrate Paleontology and Paleoanthropology of the Chinese Academy of Sciences incarnated as "Mr. Lu who played with bones" and reduced leftover broken bones into models to popularize paleontology; A retired teacher from Tongji University turned into a "grandma Wu who doesn't brush questions", using an iron pot to demonstrate China's eye in the sky, and using a broom to simulate cosmic rays... Such hard-core knowledge is undoubtedly a healthier flow.

I am glad to see more and more professionals working on things that seem less professional, but will make more people fall in love with "unpopular professional" knowledge.

□ Linjing (Media Person)