This newspaper (reporter Wang Guangyan) "Shou Zheng Ya He - Arts and Crafts Masters Exhibition" recently opened at the National Art Museum of China. The skilled craftsmen from the land of Fujian use knives as pens and wood and stone as materials to create innovative works that move people's hearts.

This exhibition is one of the "Academic Invitation Series of the National Art Museum of China", inviting 11 people from Fujian Province to participate in the 50th Chinese Arts and Crafts Masters - Wang Jingmin, Chen Mingliang, Lian Zihua, Lin Dong, Zheng Youlin, Zheng Chunhui, Huang Wenshou, Huang Baoqing, Huang Fuhua, Lai Litong, Pan Jingshi. The <> pieces (sets) of works cover five major categories of national intangible cultural heritage representative list items: Fuzhou Shoushan stone carving, Putian wood carving, Xianyou mahogany furniture, Dehua ceramics and Hui'an stone carving.

"Are all the leaves carved out of wood?" In front of the work "Dream of the Ancient Creek" by Zheng Chunhui, a representative inheritor of Putian wood carving, a national intangible cultural heritage, several audiences were amazed. Zheng Chunhui borrowed the composition of Chinese landscape painting and incorporated cultural elements such as classical Chinese poetry to create wood carving. Under his delicate carving, the wood also has the taste of landscape and pastoral.

Lin Dong, the inheritor of Shoushan stone carving skills of Fujian Province's intangible cultural heritage, works "Monkey King Crossing the Flaming Mountain", skillfully using the natural color of the stone, carving the white top into the Monkey King holding a banana fan, and the rest of the red stone carved into a rolling flame, giving the traditional theme works a proper sense of humor.

The exhibition will be on view until November 11. (Beijing Daily)