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Lit firecracker (symbolic image)

Photo: Patrick Pleul / dpa

In Heringsdorf on the island of Usedom, according to initial findings of the police, two 18-year-olds handled pyrotechnics in an apartment and triggered a larger explosion. The two young men suffered burn and shrapnel injuries, according to the police in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania. Rescue workers treated the two injured on the spot, according to the information.

Initially, a fire was reported in an apartment building on Monday afternoon, the police said. Upon arrival, the police and fire brigade then found that there had apparently been an explosion in the affected apartment. The investigators estimated the property damage at several thousand euros.

Accordingly, an explosives investigator and the ammunition recovery service were also deployed to secure traces and to ensure further pyrotechnics. An evacuation of other tenants in the apartment building was not necessary, it said. The police are investigating the two young men for causing an explosive explosion.
