On November 11th, we ushered in the beginning of winter in the 8 solar terms, which is the first solar term of winter. The beginning of winter means that the vitality begins to be closed, all things enter a state of recuperation and collection, and the long winter is coming.

Tang Zhiqiang, Secretary-General of the 24 Solar Terms Protection and Inheritance Alliance

From 1980 to 2010, the 30-year (national) average temperature, the beginning of winter is the only one of the "four stands", the time to enter winter and the beginning of winter is consistent, and its climate significance is in sync with the meaning of this solar term. In fact, the beginning of the winter solar term is a decrease in rainfall, and it belongs to a time when rain, fog, frost and snow are more prominent, the temperature is significantly reduced, and most of the areas north of the Yellow River will enter winter.

The beginning of winter, the beginning of spring, the beginning of summer, and the beginning of autumn are collectively called the "four stands", which were very important solar terms in ancient times. The royal family will hold a sacrificial ceremony to welcome the winter god, and there will also be pastimes and entertainment activities such as "warm wine around the hearth" and winter swimming.

Tang Zhiqiang, Secretary-General of the 24 Solar Terms Protection and Inheritance Alliance

In fact, a poet in the Tang Dynasty wrote that Li Bai also wrote about drinking in winter. However, in the Song Dynasty, the situation of warming wine around the hearth was more fashionable. "Wulin Old Things" recorded that "in October Mengdong, the family banquet was opened on the first day, and the winter day (family banquet) was established." "That is to take charcoal to make a fire, and then keep warm, and at the same time feast and drink, and it is mentioned that the beginning of the winter solar term, the beginning of the winter warm wine. Winter swimming, in fact, our ancients have recorded it for a long time, because the beginning of winter it means that winter has officially begun, and the swimming I started at this time is considered winter swimming. In fact, the skin is stimulated by cold water, and then sun bathing and air bathing are particularly good for the body, so in fact, some areas in the north are indeed colder areas, the more such a hobby.

There is a folk saying that "the beginning of winter makes up for winter, and the mouth is empty", that is, the beginning of winter tonics, which has been passed down since ancient times.

Tang Zhiqiang, Secretary-General of the 24 Solar Terms Protection and Inheritance Alliance

The reason why there are many food customs in Lidong is that at this time, there are abundant ingredients, and all kinds of things are collected. First of all, eating dumplings in winter has the meaning of "Jiaozi", because of the alternation of seasons. Some places in the north eat mutton soup, it has a nourishing effect on people, mutton soup is rich in fat and protein, play the role of dispelling cold and warming yang, so the hands and feet will be warm. In the Nanjing area, it is relatively more humid, that is, "eat green onions in the beginning of winter, and walk with wind on your legs and feet". It's that after eating green onions, this spicy has a bit of a cold warding effect, so if you don't have old cold legs, you won't commit it.

Experts suggest that the temperature plummets in the beginning of winter. It is necessary to pay attention to cold and warmth, get more sunlight, and prevent cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases.

Reporter Wang Shibo reports from Beijing

Editor in charge: [Liu Pai]