China News Network Yuncheng, November 11 (Reporter Fan Lifang) Shan Jixiang, who is committed to building traditional cultural IP, has become an "IP figure" on the road of dissemination and protection of China's cultural heritage.

On November 11, Shan Jixiang, who is well known to the public as the "gatekeeper of the Palace Museum", appeared in Yuncheng, Shanxi Province as the president of the Chinese Cultural Heritage Society and the director of the Academic Committee of the Palace Museum, participated in the "Yuncheng Sike Meeting on Ecological Protection and High-quality Development of the Yellow River Basin", and delivered a speech on the theme of "The Power of Culture Makes Cultural Heritage Resources Come Alive".

The picture shows Shan Jixiang giving a speech. Photo by Fan Lifang

Shanxi is the province with the largest number of key cultural relics protection units in the country, among which Yuncheng is the prefecture-level city with the largest number. Previously, Shan Jixiang visited here more than once.

"There are not many ancient wooden buildings in the early days of the country, but on the land of Yuncheng, there are a large number of ancient wooden buildings in the Song, Liao, Jin and Yuan dynasties, but they need to be rescued because they have not been repaired for a long time." Shan Jixiang recalled that in 2005, after he finished his research trip to Shanxi, he took the lead in setting up a special fund for the restoration of ancient Chinese wooden buildings in Yuncheng, Jincheng, Changzhi, Linfen and other places.

This time, focusing on the ecological protection and high-quality development of the Yellow River Basin, Shan Jixiang combined his previous research experience and proposed to "use the power of culture to make cultural heritage resources come alive".

The Yellow River is known as the mother river of the Chinese nation and the cradle of Chinese civilization. At present, China's coastal areas are vigorously promoting the ecological protection and high-quality development of the Yellow River Basin.

Yuncheng is located in the middle reaches of the Yellow River, the Yellow River flows through 8 counties (cities) of the city, with a length of 345 kilometers, and the whole area belongs to the Yellow River Basin, which is an important birthplace of Chinese civilization; The salt lake here is one of the world's three major sodium sulfate inland salt lakes, with a mining history of more than 4600,<> years; The Guan Gong culture here has become a link connecting Chinese sons and daughters from all over the world.

"It can be said that Yuncheng is a shining star along the Yellow River. To inherit the Yellow River culture, the construction of the Yellow River Cultural Park is one of the directions. Shan Jixiang believes that Yuncheng City should develop in tandem with the upstream, middle and downstream regions, and at the same time highlight its characteristics, dig deep into cultural and natural resources, enhance its value, and integrate more value into people's real life, so that everyone can get close to it, love it, and respect it, "We must not only let the cultural heritage 'preserve', but also be beautiful and lively." ”

In the report, Shan Jixiang also took the process of China's application for World Heritage as a starting point, and explained the importance of cultural heritage protection with a large number of detailed cases. He particularly stressed that Yuncheng City must move from the protection of cultural relics to the protection of cultural heritage.

"The protection of cultural relics only protects cultural elements, which are static, ancient and monumental, while the protection of cultural heritage includes cultural and natural cultural elements, including dynamic, static, ancient, modern, material and non-material elements." Shan Jixiang said that both the salt lake and the Guan Gong culture should become world heritage sites, "We should make unremitting efforts to make them go to the world as soon as possible and become world heritage sites." (ENDS)