, Ningde, November 11 (Wu Yunjie, Lu Ruoxuan, Huang Xiang) On the evening of the 5th, "Tong· The "Young" Hualiu Music Festival was held in Ningde City, Fujian Province, and young music and art teams from both sides of the Taiwan Strait gathered together to sing "Hualiu Music".

On the evening of the 4th, "Tong· The "Young Good Listening" Hualiu Music Festival was held in Ningde City, Fujian Province. Photo by Lu Ruoxuan

"The two sides of the strait are close to each other, and the future lies in the youth." Chen Guanghua, deputy secretary of the Municipal Party Committee of the Ningde Youth League, said that young people are the most active force in cross-strait exchanges, and hopes to promote cultural and artistic exchanges between young people in Ningde and Taiwan through this event.

At the scene, "Min Dance Inheritance" opened the curtain of this music festival. Subsequently, the young singers from Taiwan's Qiu Youle Band, 7LING (Chen Ziling), iResearch Band and young singers from Ningde Youth Art Troupe sang one after another, "You Are My Brother", "Delicious in Ningde", "Daoxiang", "Say I Love You" and other songs continued to sing, bringing song performances full of Taiwanese elements and Mindong culture to the audience.

Qiu Youle Band from Taiwan brought the song "Tang Costume". Photo by Wu Yunjie

At the end of the festival, the young people of Fujian and Taiwan sang "Tomorrow Will Be Better" in unison, wishing the youth of Ningtai a long time of exchanges and working hand in hand to make tomorrow better. "The first time I came to Ningde, it was a very lively place with a beautiful sea view." Xie Zhiling from Taichung, Taiwan, said that music has made cross-strait people-to-people exchanges more exciting.

In recent years, Ningde City, which is connected to Taiwan by a river of water, has successively introduced a series of policies and measures to deepen cross-strait economic and cultural exchanges and cooperation, implement equal treatment for Taiwan compatriots, earnestly safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of Taiwan businessmen and Taiwan compatriots, and encourage more Taiwan compatriots to come to study, work, start businesses and live.

Yang Xiao from the Ningde Youth Art Troupe brought the song "Alien Objects". Photo by Wu Yunjie

On the same day, the unveiling ceremony of the Ningbo (Germany) Taiwan (Bay) Youth Cultural and Creative Exchange Base was also held. Chen Guanghua said that he hoped that the Ningtai Youth Cultural and Creative Exchange Base would bring "feeling" experiential exchanges to young people on both sides of the strait and feel the continuation of the spiritual blood of the Chinese nation. (ENDS)