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María Pombo is one of the most sought-after Spanish influencers and has become the 'Queen Midas' that companies aspire to in order to make themselves known. Their latest collaboration has been Lucky, a collection with the jewelry firm Agatha Paris, of which Paula Echevarría and Sara Carbonero are also ambassadors.It looks like the perfect occasion to talk about his life and work, which is about much more than posing for photos.

Here, he shows YO DONA his professional side, between 'flashes' and 'photocalls', but he also reveals snippets of his personal life. At almost 30, she explains what she is like as a mother, what she teaches about her children on social media and what she doesn't, and another confession: together with her husband, Pablo Castellano, she plans to focus on three children, although her initial idea was to dare to have a fourth.

He also says that it is necessary to have a very well-furnished head to dedicate oneself to social networks, a necessary antidote to not lose one's way and relativize the 'hate' that is loose on the internet. She is not superstitious in the strict sense, but be careful, when she passed her driver's license they gave her a 'protective' card and, since then, she has not gone out without it. And more anecdotes, although more expected: his mobile phone is full of photos and for one that he uploads to his networks, he has been able to take up to 25! All this and more, here:

Lucky is the fourth jewelry collection you have participated in, do you like them very much? I'm passionate about them. Not a day goes by that I don't go without one. A ring, an earring... I think they perfectly complement a look and make it more special. This collection identifies me with the moment I'm living: this year I've been very aware that I'm a lucky girl and I want to multiply it. Accumulating amulets and making them tailored to you has been my inspiration. Speaking of amulets, are you superstitious or do you have any fetishes that you wear on important occasions? I'm not in the sense of not opening a covered umbrella, but I do like symbols. My lucky number is 22. I got married that day [to Pablo Castellanos], I met my husband on August 22... I feel that number is present in important moments in my life. I also have a picture of Padre Pio that I always carry. I got my driver's license about 8 years ago and the teacher at the driving school, when I passed, gave it to me so that I wouldn't have accidents with the car. I put it in my wallet and haven't taken it out since. Three million followers on Instagram and more than half a million on TikTok. What is the difference between the content you post on one network and the other? My main platform will always be Instagram and that's where I'm most comfortable and where I have my community created. TikTok used it because you have to be and adapt to the new generations. It's more lighthearted and more entertainment-focused. Instagram, on the other hand, is much deeper and my followers know me much more. Are there still those who don't believe that being an 'influencer' is a job? What is your workday like? I think people are starting to value it and brands need influencers to make themselves known. My work days are very different. I can have meetings for my companies and not appear on Instagram, dedicate other days to publish and update the content, work with my agency on future strategies and what goals we intend to achieve... I don't have a fixed routine. What's behind every photo you upload to your networks? Phew, my phone is full of photos. To upload one, maybe I'll make 25. It's also true that we're getting less and less upstairs now. We are looking for more quality in the content and for each publication to tell a story, to convey a message. But does it affect you a lot? I try to handle it as best as possible. There are days when I don't care about anything and other days, when I'm more sensitive, I do. Anyone who says that they are not affected by hate at all is a lie. Comments of 'you're fatter', 'you're ugly', 'you're anorexic' or 'you have pimples' don't matter to me at all, they completely slip me, but if they threaten me or involve my children, that does affect me. How much time do your companies take up for you? In the ones with my name on them, I'm 100%. In Tipi Tent and Name The Brand, which is fashionable, I'm very attentive, but more in aesthetic matters than in numbers, which are not my field. At Suavefest, an annual festival that I do with my followers, it's the same, only that there the work is concentrated in six months of the year. He just turned 29. How do you see yourself in 10 years professionally and family-wise? I would have been almost 40, so I hope to have had at least one more child and be a large family. I wanted four, but when I've seen the work that a child gives, I stick with three. I hope we continue to be very happy, as we are now. From a business point of view, I never think about the future, because I'm afraid to set goals that might generate too muchs. If you don't get there, you fall apart. Also, I can't think so long-term. Yes, I would like my companies to be much more stabilized, that they don't need so much of Maria 'influencer' and that they work completely on their own. By that time, hopefully I could have sold some. How would you define yourself as a mother, is she one of the overprotective ones? Before, maybe I was too relaxed, but this summer my son Martín, at two years old, broke his arm and now, every time he falls and cries I run to see if something has happened. So yes, now life has forced me and I'm overprotective. Mothers are always judged, for what they do and what they don't. Do you too? On social media, yes, but never in my family. I've been told at home, at most, why don't I give my son more chocolate, but little else. On social media, it's tremendous. If I take the children out a little [in addition to her son Martín, this summer she gave birth to her daughter Vega], they criticize me for barely being with them, but if I take them out a lot, that's bad too. If I give my son a Nocilla snack, I'm not feeding him well... There's always something that someone finds terrible. Of all the times I've taken my son out, it's never happened that anyone criticizes... It is also controversial to share images of the children on social media. What do you think? I find it almost impossible not to take my children out because I am a very family person and I take my father, my grandmother, my sister... I only take the positive from children and what I think will not make him feel ashamed when he is 15 years old. I don't show him bathing or throwing a tantrum, but at times that I think he will be excited to see when he grows up. I watch all the videos my parents recorded and thanks to them I remember a lot of things that I would have forgotten. And I'm really looking forward to it. You are diagnosed with multiple sclerosis, do you take advantage of your loudspeaker to spread the word about the disease? Before my diagnosis, I was already making it known on social media, because my mother also has it. In each collection with Agatha Paris, there is a piece of jewellery for solidarity purposes to support research into multiple sclerosis. In today's case, it's a backpack, because we all carry one in life and we can't judge the path of others. However, I try not to talk much more about this disease, except at specific times, because people limit me. They talk about whether or not I can drink at a party, whether or not it's a good idea for me to get pregnant... Why do they have to remind me every day that I'm sick if my doctor tells me I can live a normal life? I don't want anyone to set limits for me if I don't set them.

  • Influencers