, Beijing, November 11 (Reporter Gao Kai) A few days ago, the domestic drama "Two Conjectures of Marriage" won the "Golden Angel Award for TV Drama" and "Chinese Culture Communication Award" at the "Golden Angel Award" award ceremony of the 4th Sino-American Film and Television Festival. Luo Jinsong, the chief producer of the show, said in an interview that "Two Conjectures on Marriage" tells the world topic of marriage and love in a comedy way, and spreads Chinese culture and lets the world understand China through the focus and discussion of contemporary Chinese youth's concept of love, family and values.

Compared with previous Chinese marriage and family dramas, "Two Conjectures on Marriage" wittily tells the story of Shen Mingbao, a professional woman in her early years, and her best friend Xue Kexin, who got married in a flash, and after experiencing friction in marriage and life, the two faced marriage choices and embarked on their own emotional paths, and finally understood the true meaning of marriage and love and regained their happiness. In the play, "anti-urging marriage", "algorithm speed dating", and "New Year's love" are the "new ecology" in the marriage and love of young Chinese people, which has attracted American audiences. And for example, does a woman's marriage mean a concession in her career? Will children and houses lower the quality of marriage? The "strange couple" of strong women and weak men, and where the marriage will go, are also the concerns and experiences of young Americans.

This is also the original intention of the chief producer Luo Jinsong's "Two Conjectures on Marriage", "When I first made this play, I wanted to show the love, marriage, and values of contemporary young people through comedy, and output positive energy, which is part of Chinese culture." Marriage, love, and family are global topics. "Two Conjectures on Marriage" not only shows the real life and thoughts of contemporary Chinese young people, but also opens a cultural window to the world, allowing foreign audiences and mainstream media to understand how Chinese young people face marriage and love problems and cultural collisions in the context of rapid development, maintain their true self, and complete the second growth, which is a topic of interest to foreign audiences, and it is also the theme of Chinese culture that we want to express. ”

""Two Conjectures of Marriage" won the award this time, which was welcomed by the American audience, which verified our original intention to make this drama. Audiences from different regions and cultural backgrounds can feel the sweetness and pain of facing married life in this series, find resonance, and then feel Chinese culture and see the ever-changing beauty of China from the perspective of young people. Luo Jinsong said. (ENDS)