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St. Andrä: Wreckage of the crashed Cirrus SR20 aircraft

Photo: Thomas Keidel / BSBÖ District of Lungau / APA / dpa

Four people have died in the crash of a small plane in the Austrian state of Salzburg. As the police announced on Friday, the single-engine Cirrus SR20 aircraft crashed on Thursday afternoon in the area of St. Andrä. The dead have not yet been identified. The plane had left the Croatian capital Zagreb for a flight to Salzburg before crashing into a forest.

According to the fire department, eyewitnesses had observed the accident and alerted emergency services. The plane was found in rough terrain. The operation was made more difficult by the fact that a rescue parachute of the aircraft had not been deployed. In order for specialists to be able to defuse the explosives that triggered the parachute, the accident site had to be secured.

According to the information, all four occupants could only be recovered dead. According to the police, the cause of the accident is still unclear. The broadcaster ORF reported difficult flying weather due to dense clouds and wind turbulence on Thursday.
