Sébastien Bordenave / Photo credits: JOEL SAGET / AFP 10:13 a.m., November 03, 2023

The famous duo Blake and Mortimer are back in the spotlight thanks to the pencil of the Floc'h cartoonist. The plot of this new adventure of the two investigators is entitled "The Art of War", published by Dargaux.

Four years after the release of The Last Pharaoh drawn by François Schuiten, Blake and Mortimer are back in a new special adventure: The Art of War, published by Dargaux, a reference to the book by Chinese thinker Sun Tzu.

"I'd always said that I wasn't interested in making a Blake and Mortimer", the author of this intransigent confession is Floc'h, the one who today signs the drawings of the last Blake and Mortimer. Floc'h is a star in the shadows. The public owes him drawn movie posters, such as those of "On connais la chanson" by Alain Resnais or "Hollywood Ending" by Woody Allen.

>> ALSO READ - 'Blake and Mortimer', in the footsteps of die-hard fans of the saga

A New York intrigue

It respects the original chic of Francis Blake and Philip Mortimer, while blending in with the designer's refined style. The screenplay is by José Louis Bocquet and the editor-in-chief of the excellent Métal hurlant, Jean-Luc Fromental. The plot takes place in New York, an antique from the Metropolitan Museum is vandalized, Blake and Mortimer investigate.

>> ALSO READ – The adventures of Blake and Mortimer celebrate their 75th anniversary

In Le Point, the cartoonist Floc'h quotes a 19th century writer, Jules Barbey d'Aurevilly: "a dandy plays with the rule but still respects it". This perfectly sums up the spirit of the last Blake and Mortimer.