Solène Delinger 12:29 p.m., November 01, 2023

Cyril Hanouna dedicated part of his Tuesday night show to the rise of anti-Semitism in France. The host said the boycott of "TPMP" was an "anti-Semitic act", while a hashtag calling for C8 to be skipped every night appeared on social media last week.

France has seen an upsurge in anti-Semitic acts since the start of the war between Hamas and Israel on October 7. On the night of Monday to Tuesday, about sixty Stars of David were stencilled on walls in the 14th arrondissement of Paris. A subject addressed by Cyril Hanouna in TPMP on Tuesday evening.

"We're heading towards a drift that we all feared"

The host, who is Jewish, strongly denounced these anti-Semitic acts, before launching a little sentence that caused a lot of reaction: "I'll tell you, last week when there was a boycott of 'Don't Touch My Job', you believe that this is not an anti-Semitic act. What do you think? I'm telling you, it's an anti-Semitic act," he said, adding: "I've even seen people looking for companies where I have shares to boycott them. [...] There, everything that should not be done happens. We are heading towards a drift that we all feared."

>> READ ALSO- Pascal Praud and you - "Boycotting TPMP is an anti-Semitic act": Cyril Hanouna looks back on his outing at the microphone of Europe 1

Hanouna calls for a 'march for peace'

Last week, a hashtag calling for a boycott of TPMP appeared on social media. Many netizens criticized the show's "too pro-Israel" stance. While it cannot be said that these calls have had an impact on the MPWT hearings, experts have noted that they have declined in the past week.

"I would like to see all French people, of all faiths, with an Israeli flag and a Palestinian flag... and let us have a march for peace... a lasting peace!"

The moving call of @cyrilhanouna live in

— TPMP (@TPMP) October 31, 2023

"There are even artists who don't dare to come on set anymore because they think we're going to ask them for their opinion on the problem in the Middle East. We are in the process of mixing everything up," said Cyril Hanouna, who would like to "see the French, all faiths with an Israeli flag and a Palestinian flag." "And that we can have a march for peace," he concluded.