The 90th anniversary of the establishment of the Botanical Society of China and the 10nd Academic Conference on the Frontiers of Plant Science were held in Hainan from October 26th to 29th. More than 1400,<> plant science and technology workers from all over China gathered in Haikou to discuss the frontier development of plant science in China around the theme of "Plant, Food and Ecology".

"The country is people-oriented, and the people are food-oriented." Grain is not only an important strategic material related to the national economy, people's livelihood and national economic security, but also the most basic daily necessities for the people. Food security is an important foundation of national security, and ensuring national food security is an eternal topic. During the meeting, the reporter interviewed several academicians and experts in the field of plant science, and listened to them talk about how to ensure the stable development of grain production through the research and application of plant science.

Chong Kang, academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and chairman of the Chinese Botanical Society, believes that promoting the research and supply of forage and forage can effectively ensure the security of food supply.

【Period】Academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Chairman of the Botanical Society of China, Chong Kang

We plant scientists are able to focus on some of the research aspects of forage and forage, not only forage and forage breeding, but also the ecology of grasslands. The development of grass and animal husbandry is actually a very important basis for the supply of meat, eggs and milk. If there is no grass, cattle and sheep have nothing to eat, meat will be supplied (not out), and there will be problems with eggs and milk. In terms of food security, plant scientists know which types of plants can be used to develop our (food) production, to develop our food, to develop our supply of meat, eggs, milk, including vegetables, fruits (and) new fruits, and it is the responsibility of plant scientists for food security.

Kang Zhensheng, academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering and professor of Northwest A&F University, suggested that at present, we should vigorously develop green agriculture, reduce the use of chemical pesticides on crops, and rely on the support of modern biotechnology to ensure food security and high yield.

Kang Zhensheng, academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering and professor of Northwest A&F University

In fact, whether it is a grain crop or a fruit and vegetable crop, can it be high yield, high quality, and widely adaptable, so as to meet the basic development. Behind this is actually relying on science and technology. In the past, the control of diseases and insect pests mainly relied on chemical pesticides, and disease-resistant varieties are also being cultivated. But chemical pesticides have a cost, and they also pollute the environment. In the future, in terms of the prevention and control of diseases and insects, can we integrate some good (resistance resources) into crop varieties by using some modern (biological) technologies, including gene editing, including transgenics, so as to improve the resistance of crops to diseases and pests, reduce the use of pesticides, and ensure the safety of food production.

Wang Xiaoquan, director of the Institute of Botany, Chinese Academy of Sciences, said that botanical science plays an important role in food security, and he hopes that through continuous research on botany, more food varieties will be excavated and cultivated, so as to lay a solid foundation for ensuring food security.

Wang Xiaoquan, Director of the Institute of Botany, Chinese Academy of Sciences

The success of hybrid rice is very important because it comes from a male sterile wild rice on the edge of a ditch on Hainan Island. In fact, if you don't know it before, no botanical (family) knows it, it is a weed, and it has played a very important role in the breeding of rice, and there are many examples of this.

Reporter Lin Shijie reports from Haikou

Editor in charge: [Zhou Chi]