A large-scale festival was held once every 60 years in Kamakura City, Kanagawa Prefecture, and it was crowded with many people.

The "Ōgane Matsuri" is a festival held once every 60 years that is said to have been held in the year corresponding to the "Koko" of Eto, and is said to have begun to celebrate the casting of the national treasure "Hong Bell" at the bell of Enkakuji Temple, one of the five mountains of Kamakura.

The event had been postponed for three years due to the influence of the new coronavirus, but on the 1th, it was held for the first time in about 1 years, and about 3 locals paraded about 29 meters to the temple wearing happi and other masks.

During the procession, papier-mâché about 60 meters and 800 centimeters long made in the imitation of the "Hong Bell" was pulled by the stalls, and the people who gathered along the road enjoyed taking pictures of the papier-mâché that was carried by the local community and a lion dance was performed.

A boy in the first year of junior high school who came to see the event with his mother and sister said, "It was a long line, but I didn't get tired of watching it at all.

Toshio Sekimoto, chairman of the executive committee, said, "Sixty years ago, my father told me, 'You're going to be the next one to do it,' so I'm glad that it was a great success. I would be happy if the tradition could be passed on to the children."