Eating and drinking nonsense, acute pancreatitis came to the door

Hyperlipidemia is not only the "main culprit" of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, but also one of the important causes of pancreatitis

Guangzhou Daily News (all-media reporter Weng Shuxian, correspondents Xiao Ying, Wang Wei) Eating out of control is not only as simple as eating a bad stomach or gaining a few pounds, but also easy to cause a dangerous emergency - acute pancreatitis.

Recently, Arwen (pseudonym), who is less than 30 years old, has learned its "power". Due to overeating, various blood lipid indicators "exploded", and she was diagnosed with acute pancreatitis caused by hyperlipidemia, and her life was almost hanging by a thread.

Eat and drink

Induces acute pancreatitis

During the National Day holiday, Awen was unable to resist the temptation of all kinds of delicious food, and ate and drank nonsense. After another hearty meal, she suddenly felt a sharp pain in her upper abdomen and went to a nearby community hospital.

The medical staff who took her blood for testing found that there was half a tube of oil in a tube of blood drawn from her! The doctor judged that Ah Wen was likely to be acute pancreatitis caused by hyperlipidemia, so he immediately referred her to the Fifth Affiliated Hospital of Guangzhou Medical University.

Further laboratory results showed that Awen's various blood lipid indicators had "exploded" - cholesterol was 23.7mmol/L and triglycerides were 23.26mmol/L, which was more than 10 times that of normal people, and systemic inflammatory response syndrome had appeared. Chief Physician Huang Jianwei, Director of the Department of Gastroenterology of the Fifth Hospital of Guangzhou Medical University, immediately organized medical staff to push the double filtration plasma exchange equipment to the bedside of Awen's hospital, and finally separated a 4000ml bag of blood lipids and harmful substances from the 200,<> ml of blood drawn out by Awen. "If it's any later, I'll probably have to go on a ventilator!" Huang Jianwei said that if the treatment is not timely, it will develop into severe pancreatitis and even multi-organ failure, and the consequences will be unimaginable.

Hyperlipidemia too

One of the important triggers of pancreatitis

Huang Jianwei introduced that from the perspective of etiology, gallstones and long-term alcohol abuse are the main causes of acute pancreatitis. However, Huang Jianwei reminded that hyperlipidemia is not only the "culprit" of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, but also one of the important causes of pancreatitis. It has been found that hyperlipidemic pancreatitis is more likely to transform into severe pancreatitis than pancreatitis induced by other causes, and the incidence of systemic complications such as acute respiratory distress syndrome and acute kidney injury is higher.

Keep your mouth shut and open your legs

Stay away from hyperlipidemia

How to prevent hyperlipidemia? Huang Jianwei's advice: The simplest and easiest thing to do is to "keep your mouth shut and open your legs", which can be prevented from the following aspects in daily life:

1. Cultivate a healthy lifestyle, quit smoking and drinking, eat a light diet, and mix thick and thin.

2. Choose an exercise method that suits you, insist on a moderate amount of exercise every day, and try to control your weight within the normal range.

3. People with underlying diseases such as diabetes and hypothyroidism should be effectively treated under the guidance of physicians to control their conditions.

4. Pregnant women should routinely measure blood lipids and regulate blood lipid levels through diet.

5. Patients with a history of hyperlipidemia should regularly retest their blood lipids and take regular medication to lower their lipids under the guidance of a physician.

6. If hypertriglyceridemia caused by familial genetic factors is found, it is recommended to conduct genetic screening for family members for early detection and early intervention.

(Guangzhou Daily)