Text/Huang Leap Moon

Most of us are not very clear about the difference between rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis, resulting in treatment in the wrong way and delays.

The causes of the disease are different

Osteoarthritis is a chronic degenerative disease, mostly related to aging, genetics, trauma, strain, etc. Over time, joint cartilage gradually deteriorates, and the surface becomes rough and uneven, and may even wear out completely. Due to the loss of cartilage's lubricating and cushioning function, joints produce pain during activity, while the body's self-protection mechanism can lead to bone hyperplasia, further stimulating surrounding tissues and nerves, causing joint damage.

Traditional Chinese medicine believes that the main pathogenesis of osteoarthritis lies in liver and kidney deficiency, muscles and bones denourishment, wind and cold and wet invasion, etc., and clinically it is mainly based on the treatment of nourishing the liver and kidneys, dispelling wind and dehumidification.

Rheumatoid arthritis is an unexplained systemic autoimmune disease characterized by chronic inflammation of the synovial membrane and progressive destruction of the joint. TCM classifies it as "paralysis" and so on. Clinically, it is mainly used to dispel wind and dehumidification, supplemented by blood circulation.

The clinical symptoms of the two are different

People with osteoarthritis may experience persistent dull pain in the joints, especially with increased activity, but may be relieved with rest. Morning stiffness is less than half an hour, and pain tends to decrease after rest.

Rheumatoid arthritis is often associated with extraarticular organ involvement and positive serum rheumatoid factor, clinically with symmetric polyarthritis as the main manifestation, severe cases can lead to joint deformity and loss of function, morning stiffness may last 30-60 minutes or more. Symptoms include fever, fatigue, loss of appetite, weight loss, morning stiffness, joint pain and swelling, and joint deformity, but are not specific.

The two treatments are different

Osteoarthritis treatment includes anti-inflammatory drugs, pain medications, strength training, topical steroid injections, and joint replacement. In TCM treatment, it is divided into 4 types: liver and kidney deficiency evidence, using solitary parasitic soup, left gui pill, right gui pill; cold and wet paralysis, square with aconitum soup, angelica four reverse soup; Damp heat paralysis obstruction evidence, Fang with four Miaosan, angelica pain soup; Phlegm and stasis block evidence, Fang uses small active pills, body pain to stagnate soup.

The treatment of rheumatoid arthritis is aimed at preventing joint destruction, protecting joint function, and maximizing the quality of life of patients. Clinically, antirheumatic drugs are mainly used to improve the condition. In severe cases, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, glucocorticoids, and small molecule targeted drugs and biologics should also be used.

According to the symptoms, Chinese medicine divides rheumatoid arthritis into paralysis, pain paralysis, paralysis, and heat paralysis. Clinical patients have several symptoms at the same time, based on this, Chinese medicine also has a set of targeted treatment methods, mainly as follows: wind cold and wet paralysis can choose astragalus anti-self soup plus and minus; Rheumatic fever can be selected for four myoshan addition and subtraction; Sputum stasis obstruction evidence can be selected body pain stasis soup and two Chen soup plus and minus; Kidney deficiency cold coagulation can choose aconite guizhi soup plus and minus; Liver and kidney deficiency can be selected Zuogui pill addition and subtraction; Qi deficiency deficiency deficiency certificate can be supplemented with Zhongguizhi soup plus and minus.

Patient welfare

Professor Huang Minyue's team is carrying out rheumatoid arthritis screening activities, and friends with joint pain in both hands and a family history of rheumatoid can go to the outpatient clinic for preliminary assessment.

Outpatient information: Every Tuesday morning, Thursday afternoon, evening and Friday afternoon are all outpatient visits in various branches of Guangdong Provincial Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine; During the day on Sunday and Monday night, technical guidance at the Kanghe Rheumatism and Chronic Disease Scientific Research Workstation of Guangdong Provincial Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine.

Appointment method: Search for the doctor's name through the public account of "Leap Moon Medical Talk" or "Rheumatic Leap Moon Talk".