Space elevator is the most anticipated by the public ["Top Ten Future Technologies in Science Fiction Works" released]

On the morning of October 10, the 22 Chengdu World Science Fiction Convention blockbuster event - "Top Ten Future Technologies in Science Fiction Works" was released. Famous science fiction writers Liu Cixin and Jiang Bo, famous science fiction scholars Liu Bing, Yan Feng, Wu Yan, selection activity consultant Robert Sawyer, famous Canadian science fiction writer Robert Sawyer and his wife Clinke Caroline Joan, selection event consultant, famous American science fiction editor, Hugo Award Best Short Story Editor Neil Clark shared the selection process and feelings on the spot.

In the end, the list of "Top Ten Future Technologies in Science Fiction Works" is: space elevator, cyberspace (virtual world or metaverse), brain-computer interface, nanorobots, biological computers, human hibernation, mechanical exoskeletons (power armor), Dyson spheres, quantum computers, and brain banks. Among them, the space elevator, which made a stunning appearance in this year's hit movie "The Wandering Earth 2", took the lead in the public praise ranking and was awarded the "most anticipated future technology by the public".

At the press conference, the guests said that the "Top Ten Future Technologies" will further broaden the boundaries of imagination with science fiction works as the carrier, and help readers in different fields obtain a lot of cutting-edge information in science and technology, gain a forward-looking vision, and better help science fiction works shine into real life.

At present, China's science fiction industry is entering a stage of rapid development, with a good atmosphere and solid foundation, with the world's largest science fiction crowd, enthusiasts and fans, and the output value of the science fiction industry is as high as 780 billion yuan and continues to grow, which has effectively driven economic growth and scientific and technological development.

Taking advantage of the momentum, the "Top Ten Future Technologies in Science Fiction Works" selected this time will continue to tap new potential through the carrier of science fiction works, further stimulate the creative inspiration of science fiction writers, arouse the continuous attention of science fiction fans, thereby helping the science fiction industry accelerate its development, and plug imaginative wings into science, further promote science to turn science fiction ideas into reality, and hatch "future technology" that truly changes the human world.

West China Metropolis Daily - Cover News Reporter Bian Xue

West China Metropolis Daily, October 2023, 10, version A23