Yingtan, October 10 (Xiong Jinyang) On October 22, the reporter learned from the Longhushan Scenic Area in Jiangxi Province that the Chinese autumn sand duck, a frequent wintering visitor to Longhushan Global Geopark, "giant panda among birds", appeared on October 10. This is the 21th consecutive year since 10 that Dragon Tiger Mountain View has found their "silhouette".

On October 10, the "giant panda among birds" Chinese merganser duck was photographed in the Luxi River in the Longhu Mountain Scenic Area. Photo by Xiao Dong

According to Xiao Dongyan, a ranger and "duck commander" of the Longhu Mountain View Area, on the afternoon of October 10, he found an adult male Chinese merganser duck in the watershed near Shawan Village, Shangqing Town, Luxi River, who was leisurely sorting its feathers on a stone in the water, and there were several spot-billed ducks roosting next to it. "Next, the Chinese merganser duck wintering 'troops' will arrive one after another. Our rangers will strengthen patrol and guard, recording the number of Chinese merganser ducks wintering this year, the ratio of males and females and other information. ”

Chinese merganser duck (first from right) and spot-billed duck rest. Photo by Xiao Dong

The Chinese merganser duck is a national first-class protected animal and is known as the "giant panda among birds". At the end of March and beginning of April every year, the Chinese merganser duck flies back to the north, and after spending more than half a year's breeding period, it moves south at the end of October and winters in the south of China, and there is a large population distribution in Jiangxi, Hunan and other places.

It is understood that in order to make the Chinese merganser duck have a better wintering environment, Longhu Mountain View Area continues to increase ecological environmental protection, and in early 2008 designated a 1800,<>-hectare protected area, and fishing is prohibited in the Longhu Mountain View section of the Luxi River all year round. "Chinese merganser ducks have high requirements for habitat ecology, and it is precisely because of the beautiful mountains and waters of Longhu Mountain that they can attract Chinese merganser ducks to visit every year." Xiao Dongyan said.

At present, on the banks of the Luxi River in Longhu Mountain, the number of Chinese merganser ducks that come here to winter here every year is stable at about 80, and up to hundreds at most. The Longhu Mountain Area has become one of the main wintering grounds for Chinese merganser ducks. (End)