At present, rice in southern Xinjiang is in the harvest period, and the 10694,573 mu of saline-tolerant demonstration rice field contracted by the Management Committee of Liuyuan Farm Area of Aksu City, contracted by the 8th Company of the <>th Regiment of the First Division of the Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps, has achieved an average yield of <>.<> kg per mu after testing by authoritative experts, setting a Chinese record, which is also the first time that Xinjiang's salinity-tolerant rice has achieved a high yield of <>,<> mu continuously.

【Explanation】The rice planting variety is the salinity-tolerant variety "New Rice No. 36" independently selected by the Xinjiang Academy of Agricultural Sciences, this variety has the characteristics of salinity tolerance, cold resistance, high resistance to rice blast, etc., is a national second-class high-quality rice variety, and is also one of the main rice cultivars in Xinjiang, which has been promoted and planted in Xinjiang for more than 30,<> mu.

Wei Jiulong, secretary of the party branch of the 11th Company of the 6th Regiment of the Aral City Regiment of the First Division of the Xinjiang Corps

This year, we have achieved the planting and income of the year in this saline-alkali rice field, and it is estimated that the profit of the total output value of our 10,000 mu land should be more than 5 million yuan, and the effect is very good.

In the alkali drainage canal next to this rice field, the staff detected that the salt content of the water in the canal was 3.9%, and in the 0,3-mu rice planting area of Aral City, the salt content of the soil here is now <>.<>%, and this once saline-alkali beach has become <>,<> mu of fertile land. In addition to growing rice, wheat, corn, cotton and other crops can also be grown in the future.

It is reported that China's saline-alkali land area is about 15.5 billion mu, of which the area that can be developed and utilized exceeds 1 million mu. At present, Xinjiang accounts for one-third of China's saline-alkali land area, and with the successful creation of high yields in <>,<> mu of continuous saline-tolerant rice demonstration fields, Xinjiang is expected to develop more than <> million mu of arable land in the future.

【During the same period】Chen Wenfu, academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering

(Xinjiang) is a salt-alkali land dominated by sulfate, so the total amount that can be developed (developed) is about 100 million to 150 million mu, and if this part of the saline-alkali land is developed (developed), it should be a very good way to solve our national food security.

【Explanation】As the preferred grain crop for saline-alkali land improvement, at present, the National Saline-tolerant Rice Technology Innovation Center has approved 36 saline-tolerant rice varieties, including "New Rice No. 11", and the planting area has exceeded 100 million mu. It is mainly distributed in more than 10 provinces and cities such as Xinjiang, Heilongjiang and Shandong, covering the main saline-alkali land types in China. Wang Fengbin, director of the Northwest Center of the National Salinity-tolerant Rice Technology Innovation Center and researcher of the Grain Crops Research Institute of the Xinjiang Academy of Agricultural Sciences, said that in addition to the selection of rice varieties, the current achievement of this achievement also benefits from the construction of farmland standardization, the establishment of drainage and irrigation systems, water-saving irrigation and a small number of multiple fertilization and other supporting measures.

Wang Fengbin, director of the Northwest Center of the National Salinity-tolerant Rice Technology Innovation Center and researcher of the Institute of Grain Crops of the Xinjiang Academy of Agricultural Sciences

Through our summary and continuous demonstration and application, (these measures) should be demonstrated and popularized in a large area in our Xinjiang, including the saline-alkali land areas of the northwest region, and within eight to ten years an increase of 800 million mu of saline-alkali arable land, and the average yield should be 300 kilograms (per mu).

Zuo Dandan Wang Tuo Xinjiang Aksu reports

Responsible Editor: [Lu Yan]