The second trial of former Nissan Chairman Carlos Ghosn has begun in the trial of former Nissan Chairman Greg Kelly, who is accused of understating the former chairman's compensation in securities reports. While the prosecution claimed collusion with the former president, the defense again pleaded not guilty.

Former Nissan CEO Greg Kelly (67) was accused of violating the Financial Instruments and Exchange Act for conspiring with Carlos Ghosn (69), a former chairman who fled to Lebanon in the Middle East, to understate the former chairman's remuneration in securities reports for eight years until fiscal 2017. In the last fiscal year 8, he was sentenced to six months in prison and three years of probation on the grounds that he conspired with the former president, and both the prosecution and defense appealed.

On the 1th, the second trial began at the Tokyo High Court, and former CEO Kelly did not appear in court.

The prosecution claimed conspiracy, saying, "It is clear that former CEO Kelly was aware of the former chairman's unpaid remuneration for the seven years in which he was acquitted, and the testimony of the former secretary who made the plea bargain is also credible."

On the other hand, the defense said, "There is no unpaid remuneration, I have never seen a document with this amount of compensation, and the trial court's judgment that found conspiracy was erroneous and we ask for a full acquittal."