Beijing, October 10 (Shao Meng) On October 19, an elevator fell in the Focheng Shangdu Market in Maitreya City, Honghe Prefecture, Yunnan Province. The Information Office of the Maitreya Municipal People's Government issued a notice saying that at 10 o'clock on the same day, an elevator fell in the Buddha City Business City of Maitreya City. Up to now, 18 people have died after ineffective rescue, 12 people have been seriously injured and 3 people have been slightly injured. The treatment of the injured is in full swing, and the cause of the incident is under investigation.

Screenshot of the official announcement

On the morning of the 19th, a witness Zhao Yu (pseudonym) told that the Focheng Shangdu where the incident occurred has 4 floors. The falling elevator is a freight elevator, but due to the large flow of people, many customers entering and leaving the market will choose to take the freight elevator. A merchant said that he had the impression that the freight elevator was basically used every day, and "the attendance rate was relatively high".

The relevant staff of the Maitreya Emergency Management Bureau told that an investigation team has been established and the specific cause of the accident is under investigation. The relevant staff of the Propaganda Department of the Maitreya Municipal Party Committee said that if there is an update in the future, it will be reported again.

Witness: The elevator in the accident was a freight elevator

Large space for tricycles

At the time of the incident, Zhao Yu was eating on the 4th floor of the Buddhist City Commercial Capital, he was not a local, and he had just arrived in Maitreya City. "Around 11:50, I heard a loud noise, and after eating, I went down to see that the ambulance and the fire brigade came. At that time, when I saw the two old men rescued, I was already unconscious. Because it is a weekday, there are more elderly people. ”

Zhao Yu said that the Focheng Commercial Capital has a total of 4 floors, and the 4th floor is a distribution center for agricultural products, mainly concentrating some farmers, selling vegetables, specialties, fruits, pots and pans. There are also passenger elevators in the Focheng Commercial Capital, but due to the large flow of people in the market, many customers still choose to take the freight elevator despite the relevant text signs next to the freight elevator. "The freight elevator is about seven or eight square meters, and the tricycle can run into it with the goods. And many people come and go every day, and they usually use it more frequently. ”

Live video screenshots. Photo courtesy of interviewee

Another witness confirmed the claim to, saying that a security guard was usually responsible for pressing the elevator, but did not prevent customers from entering.

Zhao Yu said that after the incident, he saw at the scene, "It is suspected that the steel cable is broken, and the inside is bent." "But what exactly happened, it's not easy to guess.

Interior view of the elevator after it falls. Photo courtesy of interviewee

According to public information, Focheng Shangdu Farmers Market is located in Maitreya City, Honghe Prefecture, Yunnan Province, and is renovated and constructed on the original site of the former Maitreya Hongfeng Farmers Market, including Focheng Shangdu Phase I (Southwest Five-star Farmers Market) and Focheng Shangdu Phase II, with a total construction area of 6,4 square meters and a total of more than 800 shops. In October 2017, it won the honorary title of "Integrity Market" at the state level in Red River State. In January 10, it won the honorary title of "Five-Star Farmers Market".

An article on the official website of the Yunnan Provincial Administration for Market Regulation mentioned that as the largest farmers market in Maitreya City, the average daily flow of people in Focheng Shangdu Market can reach 2,3 to <>,<> people.

The management of Focheng Commercial Capital was administratively punished this year

Local merchants: Freight elevators are basically used every day

"We were on the scene when the elevator fell." A business owner in the Focheng commercial capital told that the falling elevator was a freight elevator, "but it also carried people." She moved here in 2015 and has the impression that the elevator, which opened in 2015, has been in operation, and that the merchants upstairs will transport the purchased goods to the store through the elevator. "Sometimes we can't help, we have to pull goods, we all use cars to carry them."

The merchant also said that he had the impression that the freight elevator was basically used every day, and "the attendance rate was relatively high."

According to public reports, the market manager of Focheng Commercial Capital is Maitreya Jisheng Commercial Management Co., Ltd. According to the enterprise investigation information, on May 2023, 5, the fire supervisor of the Maitreya Fire Rescue Brigade found that the fire protection facilities, equipment and fire safety signs of Maitreya Jisheng Commercial Management Co., Ltd. were not kept intact and valid, violating the provisions of Article 24, paragraph 5000 (<>) of the Fire Protection Law of the People's Republic of China. An administrative penalty of RMB <>,<> was imposed on Maitreya Jisheng Commercial Management Co., Ltd.

Maitreya Jisheng Commercial Management Co., Ltd. was administratively punished. Image source: Screenshot of Qichacha called the investment promotion office of Maitreya Jisheng Commercial Management Co., Ltd., and the relevant staff said that everything was subject to the official notice, and the rest was not clear, so they hung up the phone. noted that in August this year, the Yunnan Provincial Market Supervision Administration issued the Notice on Doing a Good Job in Elevator Inspection and Elevator Self-Inspection, which mentioned that "prefecture and municipal market supervision departments should strengthen elevator safety supervision, combine relevant work plans, increase the supervision and inspection of elevator use, inspection and testing, seriously investigate and deal with elevator failure and leakage, and keep the bottom line of elevator safety." ”

Screenshot of the official website of Yunnan Provincial Administration for Market Regulation

Official: An investigative team has been established

Details will be kept in order

On the morning of the 19th, a staff member of the Maitreya Emergency Management Bureau told that the elevator belongs to special equipment, and a special accident investigation team has been set up, and the cause of the accident is under investigation, and the specific situation is subject to the official report of the Maitreya Municipal Party Committee and Municipal Government. noted that the "Special Equipment Safety Law of the People's Republic of China" stipulates: "The departments responsible for the safety supervision and management of special equipment under local people's governments at or above the county level shall supervise and manage the safety of special equipment within their administrative areas. "Units producing, operating and using special equipment shall be equipped with special equipment safety management personnel, testing personnel and operators in accordance with relevant national regulations, and provide them with necessary safety education and skill training."

The State Administration for Market Regulation issued this year the "Provisions on the Supervision and Administration of the Responsibility of Special Equipment Users to Implement the Main Responsibility for the Use of Safety" (Order No. 74 of the State Administration for Market Regulation), which also stipulates elevator users in Chapter VI. It is required that the elevator user unit shall establish a dynamic management mechanism based on elevator safety risk prevention and control, combine the actual situation of the unit, implement the self-inspection requirements, formulate the "Elevator Safety Risk Control List", and establish and improve the daily control, weekly inspection, and monthly scheduling work system and mechanism.

A staff member of the Maitreya Market Supervision Administration responded to that it was necessary to contact the publicity department of the Maitreya Municipal Party Committee, and relevant questions would be answered by the department. then called the Propaganda Department of the Maitreya Municipal Party Committee, and the relevant staff said that the current situation in the report was yesterday. Updates will be provided in the future. (End)