Solène Delinger 11:29 a.m., October 19, 2023

Marlène Schiappa embarks on a career change in television... According to information from our colleagues at "La Lettre de l'Audiovisuel", she is indeed writing a political series for the production company Elephant. An ambitious project for the former minister, who left the government last July.

Is Marlène Schiappa ready to say goodbye to politics? After leaving the government last July, the former minister is said to be writing a political series for the production company Elephant, to which we owe Jusqu'ici tout va bien, broadcast on Netflix and Rebecca for TF1.

Two former ministerial advisers help Marlène Schiappa with the writing of the series

Marlène Schiappa, author of several novels, would therefore reconnect with her passion for writing. To embark on this new adventure, the former Minister of the Majority Delegate for Citizenship is said to have called on Alexandre Dimeck-Ghione, her special adviser since February 2022, and Yenad Mlaraha, her communicator since 2020. A strategic choice since these personalities know the tricks of the political world as well as Marlène Schiappa...

>> ALSO READ – Marianne Fund: "Defamation takes the elevator and the truth takes the stairs," says Marlène Schiappa

According to information from our colleagues at La Lettre, the ex-minister can also count on the help of a team of screenwriters from the company Elephant. No information about the storyline of the series has yet leaked... Should we expect a French fiction like Baron Noir, which explored the backstage of the Socialist Party, but in a Macronian version? Answer in a few weeks...