Solène Delinger 17:29 p.m., October 19, 2023

Michel Jonasz was the guest of "Culture Médias" this Thursday morning to talk about his new album "Chanter le blues". The 76-year-old singer took advantage of his appearance on Europe 1 to react to the war between the Hamas terrorist group and Israel.

Michel Jonasz struggled to hide his emotion this Thursday morning in Culture Médias when talking about the war between Israel and the Hamas terrorist group. Invited to Thomas Isle's microphone to talk about his new album Chanter le blues, the 76-year-old artist expressed his deep sorrow at the tragic events of the last few days. "I am the grandson of a deportee and I am the nephew of a deportee," he said in the preamble.

'It's a pogrom'

"The only source of satisfaction I have today is that my mother is no longer here to see this," the singer said before expressing his indignation: "The State of Israel has always been at war, but this is more than a conflict, it's a pogrom."


Watch Thomas Isle and Culture-Médias every day from 9 a.m. to 11 a.m. on Europe 1 as well as in replay and podcast here

Michel Jonasz denounces LFI's position

Michel Jonasz did not fail to denounce the position of LFI, which refuses to qualify Hamas as a terrorist organization. "It's a disgrace!" he exclaimed a microphone from Thomas Isle. "There are people who should stop talking. It's a lack of respect for the victims, it's terrible." Since Hamas' terror attacks on Israel on October 7, Michel Jonasz "has been suffering in his body, in his soul, in his heart."

The artist can't bear to know that Israeli and Palestinian children are paying the price of this war. "I cry as much for a Palestinian child who is killed as I do for an Israeli child," he said, adding that Palestinians were themselves victims of Hamas. "And who wins in this? Hatred," he concluded, utterly distraught.