The International Menopause Society (IMS) has designated October 10 as World Menopause Care Day, aiming to raise awareness of menopausal women. It is understood that the theme of "World Menopause Care Day" in 18 is cardiovascular diseases. Huang Mengqi, attending physician of the Department of Gynecology of Nanjing First Hospital, introduced that the cardiometabolic risks caused by menopause and cardiovascular diseases caused by menopause are attracting more and more attention.

Aunt Han, a 52-year-old Nanjing citizen who retired from work only two years ago, has gradually developed symptoms such as reduced menstrual flow, hot flashes, and emotional instability since then. She understood that this was "menopause" as promised, and Ms. Han did not pay special attention to things in the past two years.

"At that time, I was feeling flustered, I felt breathless, uncomfortable, and I thought it was a myocardial infarction!" But recalling the onset process, she still had palpitations. One day in early October, Aunt Han, who had finished her morning exercise with her wife, felt some dizziness, chest pain, and difficulty breathing while walking on the road, and went home to rest for half a day without relief, so she rushed to Nanjing First Hospital for treatment. After a series of electrocardiogram, blood and other tests, Aunt Han was diagnosed with stress cardiomyopathy. After treatment, Aunt Han has gradually recovered.

Stress cardiomyopathy, also commonly known as "broken heart syndrome", is the main "trick" target for menopausal women or postmenopausal women. Huang Mengqi, attending physician of the Department of Gynecology of Nanjing First Hospital, introduced that the latest relevant research has confirmed that cardiovascular disease is the main cause of death in women, and more and more reproductive factors are related to the increased risk of cardiovascular disease in women, "The changes in hormone levels brought about by menopause are likely to directly affect cardiometabolism." ”

Huang Mengqi explained that after menopause, estrogen acts as a "protective umbrella" in women's bodies, and its level drops rapidly, resulting in increased energy intake and reduced consumption, resulting in an increased prevalence of obesity and sarcopenia. Clinically, it is not difficult to see that postmenopausal women gain weight, and there are many people who redistribute fat to abdominal obesity due to menopause. Invisible to the naked eye, there is also an increase in insulin resistance in the body, deterioration of blood lipid levels, etc., which will eventually cause poor cardiometabolism, and the occurrence of cardiovascular disease is also full of risks.

Huang Mengqi introduced that to prevent cardiovascular risk in women, the most recognized prevention strategies include five healthy behaviors, namely reasonable diet, more exercise, smoking cessation, maintaining healthy sleep and controlling weight, and controlling three risk factors including blood lipids, blood sugar and blood pressure.

Huang Mengqi also reminded that the decline in estrogen levels is also the "culprit" of many menopausal symptoms. Vasomotor symptoms such as hot flashes, sweating, blood pressure fluctuations, palpitations, headaches, etc.; Psychoneurological symptoms such as emotional lability, anxiety and depression, sleep disturbances, memory loss, itchy skin, etc. At the same time, there are some "invisible manifestations", such as back pain, easy fatigue, etc., which should be treated in the menopausal clinic after they appear.

Yangtze Evening News/Purple Cow News reporter Lu Yanlin