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Palma de Mallorca Airport: Undertaker should remove body

Photo: Clara Margais / dpa

An aircraft of the Egyptian charter company AMC Airlines has made an unplanned stopover in Mallorca due to a medical emergency. A passenger died on board the flight from Egypt to Spain on Monday, the digital newspaper »Crónica Balear« and other media of the Spanish Mediterranean island reported, citing the authorities.

The plane had landed in Palma so that an undertaker could transport the body, it said. The Spanish airport operator Aena confirmed this information when asked.

The Boeing 737 plane was en route from Cairo to Madrid when a 67-year-old Portuguese man reportedly died on the plane for unknown reasons. The pilot then registered an unscheduled stopover at the airport in Palma, which took place without any problems on Monday afternoon. An autopsy is now to clarify the cause of death of the man, it said.

The passengers of flight AMV1583 were able to get back on the plane after a long wait at Palma de Mallorca airport and continue their journey to Madrid, Aena announced. In recent weeks, there has been an increase in emergency and safety landings in Mallorca due to technical defects and also due to a collision with birds.
