• Immunize some 15 million children worldwide against the human papillomavirus with vaccines manufactured in Belgium

From tomorrow, all the communities will be vaccinating jointly against flu and covid with the incorporation of Madrid, the Valencian Community, Castilla-La Mancha, Extremadura, Navarre, the Balearic Islands and the Canary Islands into the campaign, and the rest will open it to other target groups after having finished in the residences.

At the same time, the 17 will continue to immunize their babies up to six months of age against the Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV), to whom they began administering the monoclonal antibody nirsevimab at the end of September.

What will be the third simultaneous flu and covid-19 season is marked by the limited availability of sera updated to the Omicron subvariant XBB.1.5, which has meant that - as happened in the first coronavirus campaign in 2021 - the initial doses have been reserved for the most vulnerable.

Who is it for?

The double vaccination is intended for people over 60 years of age and those over 5 years of age who are interned in disability centers and residences, as well as people with other previous pathologies such as diabetes, kidney failure, morbid obesity or chronic cardiovascular, neurological or respiratory diseases, pregnant women or cohabitants of immunosuppressed patients, among others.

It is also recommended for staff in health and social care centres and establishments and workers in essential public services.

Apart from the joint vaccine, the flu vaccine is recommended, for the first time, for children aged 5 to 59 months, as well as people aged 5 to 59 with a higher risk of complications - patients aged 5 to 18 years on prolonged treatment with aspirin due to the possibility of developing Reye's syndrome and smokers - and pregnant women.

Finally, it should be worn by trainees in health and social health centres and people with direct occupational exposure to animals or their secretions.

The Ones Who Get Started

Madrid starts on Monday with those who live in nursing homes, people over 65 years of age and health and social care staff and, once finished, it will expand to the rest of the groups. The process will be carried out again in nursing homes, Primary Care Centres and the Community Vaccination Centre.

The Valencian Community will also start in centres for the elderly and functional diversity and professionals in social and health centres and, in the case of influenza, also with children and pregnant women. As early as November, simultaneous vaccination of people aged 60 to 79 is planned.

For its part, Castilla-La Mancha has not specified the specific date on which it will kick off its winter campaign, but it will be this week.

With the aim of reaching 75% coverage in the elderly and health and social care personnel and exceeding 60% in pregnant women and people with risk conditions, Extremadura has 50,000 doses of the updated Pfizer serum and 100 of the Hipra serum for those who have contraindicated the former.

This Monday, Navarre will administer the two vaccines to the 160,000 people aged 60 or over and to the more than 7,500 people with diseases considered high-risk that it began to cite on the 3rd by SMS; with health and social care professionals will begin on 23 October.

Find out more


The WHO recommends from now on only one dose of any covid vaccine

  • Written by: EFE Geneva

The WHO recommends from now on only one dose of any covid vaccine


"Today it seems increasingly evident that SARS-CoV-2 may have come from a laboratory"

  • Written by: PILAR PÉREZ Madrid

"Today it seems increasingly evident that SARS-CoV-2 may have come from a laboratory"

The Balearic Islands begin tomorrow in care homes, on the 23rd with the population over 60 years of age and health workers and on November 3rd with children.

Vaccination in the Canary Islands will be carried out in health centres, and in order to access it you must call 012 in advance.

The following

Andalusia, which started in residences and centres for the disabled, people over 85 years of age and staff in health and social health centres, will continue tomorrow with people over 70, adults with risk pathologies, large dependents and their professional and pregnant caregivers, and with the children's flu vaccine. The next phase will begin on October 30 with over-60s and other professional groups.

After ending up in nursing homes, Aragon opens this week the vaccination to the groups likely to be vaccinated: over 60 years of age and under 60 years of age with risk factors.

Asturias, which began on 2 October with the population most at risk, expanded a week later to the rest of the target groups.

Cantabria also started with the most vulnerable groups and will now continue with the rest of the population. For this season, it has almost 14,000 doses of flu vaccine, a figure that can be expanded by 20%, and 8,000 against covid, with more expected to be received in October.

Nursing homes for the elderly and dependent people in Castilla y León began the double campaign on the 3rd and since the 10th it has been generalised for the vulnerable population and the most fragile groups.

Likewise, Catalonia prioritised care homes, although in its case on 26 September, and from this week it will continue with the general population aged 60 or over, minors with chronic health problems and risk factors, pregnant women, immunosuppressed people, health personnel and smokers, for which it has 1.7 million vaccines.

Galicia was the first to start the autumn campaign against respiratory viruses at the end of September, when it began to put the covid and flu campaign in nursing homes and disability centres and the RSV drug to babies in hospital.

Murcia began on the 9th in the residences for the elderly and with disabilities and with the flu vaccination in the health centers for children. On Monday, it is the turn of the over-80s and, from the 30th, the rest, who will receive their dose at the usual health centres and vaccination posts.

On the same day, the Basque Country started with the risk groups and the over-60s. The rest of the population who wish to be vaccinated will be able to request an appointment from October 30 to be inoculated from November 6.

La Rioja has been staggeringly immunising the most at-risk people since day 3 and from Monday it will open the campaign to all target groups; To this end, it has 109,000 flu vaccines and 49,000 covid vaccines, to which more will be added in the coming weeks.

  • Coronavirus
  • Extremadura
  • Lion
  • Canary Islands
  • Navarre
  • Castilla-La Mancha
  • Covid 19