• MomenTVs The revelation of Revilla (and Pablo Motos) in El Hormiguero

The visits of actors to El Hormiguero always respond to one objective: to promote a film, series or their latest project. Well, thanks to the fact that they have to promote, viewers have a single button from the remote to the crème de la crème of the cinematographic panorama. Last night, the premiere of the second season of 30 coins, the series by Álex de la Iglesia that will arrive on HBO Max on October 23, was the reason for Miguel Ángel Silvestre to sit again in front of Pablo Motos, accompanied this time by Macarena Gómez, his 'wife' in the series.

Well, they were going to talk about the series, what it is like to work with Álex de la Iglesia, what it has been like to reshoot one of the series most endorsed by critics and most anticipated by viewers, but there is a particularity that happens with very few guests and one of them is Miguel Ángel Silvestre. The actor, who last night received the card of the Platinum club of El Hormiguero having gone 10 times to the program, whenever he has gone to the program has left much more than the simple answers of someone who is going to promote a job.

Last night he did it again, but this time he went further. The actor shook and moved those present and those who from home could never have imagined what Miguel Ángel Silvestre suffered as a child and how that continues to affect him today. And above all it surprised because it was not even something that was prepared, nor something that Pablo Motos had planned to take out with any of his questions. He told it without further ado, as he has done in so many other interviews in El Hormiguero when the actor opens up and surprises with some impossible revelation that anyone, and more to a celebrity, would have a hard time expressing. Miguel Angel Silvestre, no.

At the beginning of the interview, Macarena Gómez became the only protagonist. His life among animals and the acquisition of a parrot occupied a good few minutes of program. Pablo Motos was very interested in knowing what it was like to have a parrot in your home, while Miguel Ángel Silvestre, who had just been presented with the Platinum cup and the video tribute of the 10 times he had visited the program, let Macarena Gómez be the center of attention. In fact, it is usual when accompanied to the program by a colleague that Miguel Ángel Silvestre stays in the background, that the others are the protagonists. And so he did last night.

He spoke little, just to explain that kiss scene with Pablo Motos when he went to promote Velvet with Paula Echevarría (it was to her that it occurred to her that instead of giving the kiss she and he gave it to Pablo Motos and Miguel Ángel Silvestre) and to give some details of what it is to work with Álex de la Iglesia : "He is like a child, very intelligent, comes from studying theology, has interests in light and shadow, knows a lot ... He's like a child, he gets excited and he gets angry too. When you understand what he's like, it's all a great journey."

And after the trailer of the second season of 30 coins, and after talking about what the series is, how Álex de la Iglesia never ceases to surprise them and what would be the power they would choose if they could choose one -Macarena, teleport and Miguel Ángel, be invisible to be able to "spy"-, Pablo Motos surprised the actor by asking him about an attempted robbery that the actor had avoided. Miguel Ángel Silvestre stayed checkered because, as almost always happens in Pablo Motos interviews, it was not expected that he could know that. However, the surprised ended up surprising.

"I was in a store in Madrid and I saw something strange and that the clerks were running away. Then I too ran out like an impulse and finally the other person exhausted himself and threw the bags. But I think you don't have to run away, to avoid things. If they have to take them, there are a thousand insurances that cover that, "said the actor. "No one should run after because you have to protect yourself," he finished the story.

But Miguel Ángel Silvestre was not going to leave it there. He wanted to explain why he had that reaction, why his head tells him that you don't have to do that because you have to protect yourself, but his instinct led him to do the opposite.

"When I was little I suffered bullying at school and I have had many nightmares in which they beat me and I do not know who it is," he said suddenly before the astonished faces of Macarena Gómez and Pablo Motos. "As a child I was beaten by a group of children and that blocked me from violence, it created a fear, but when I saw violence from the outside against someone vulnerable, I exploded because I saw myself in that," he revealed.

However, Miguel Ángel Silvestre wanted to explain it well, he wanted to discover and let everyone know that it left him with sequelae that he continues to suffer today: "One day I was leaving the cinema and I saw a man kicking a dog. I pushed him immediately. My friends pushed me aside and asked me what was wrong. I replied that I was that dog. I realized it there. That's why I ran after the thief, even though I shouldn't have."

"I don't think I should be telling you this either," the actor finished with a laugh. "The story you just told is shocking and I thank you very much for your sincerity," said a Pablo Motos as surprised as probably all of us who had just listened to him. Miguel Ángel Silvestre realized right away that perhaps he had opened up too much. Well, "it's already counted," he told the host.

But that is why interviews with characters like Miguel Ángel Silvestre are much more than a simple interview. Yes, it is to show weaknesses, traumas, shocking memories that marked and mark his life. And that not only helps whoever listens to it, but also removes that aura of untouchability that always accompanies actors, writers, celebrities. Yes, that's it, you've already told it, and thank you.

  • The Anthill
  • Antenna 3
  • Pablo Motos