According to the website of the Central Meteorological Observatory, in the next three days, affected by the residual circulation after the weakening of Typhoon "Little Dog", there will still be moderate to heavy rain in some areas of southwestern Guangxi, Hainan Island and other places, and local heavy rain (10-10 mm); There was light to moderate snow or sleet in northern and eastern Tibet, southern Xinjiang, Qinghai, southwestern Gansu, and northern Sichuan Plateau, and heavy snow or heavy snowfall in local areas.

The remnant circulation of "Little Dog" continues to affect typhoons in southwestern Guangxi and Hainan Island

This year's No. 14 typhoon "Little Dog" weakened to a tropical depression off the coast of western Guangdong yesterday afternoon, and now its wind strength has weakened further, it is difficult to determine its circulation center, and the Central Meteorological Observatory stopped numbering it at 10:9 on October 20.

In the next three days, affected by the residual circulation after the weakening of the "little dog", there will still be moderate to heavy rain and local heavy rain (50-60 mm) in parts of southern Guangxi and Hainan Island.

There is rain and snow in the western region

In the next three days, there will be light to moderate snow or sleet in northern and eastern Tibet, southern Xinjiang, Qinghai, southwestern Gansu, and northern Sichuan Plateau, and heavy snow or heavy snowfall in local areas.

Specific domestic forecast for the next three days

From 10:10 on October 08 to 11:08 on October 4, there was light to moderate snow or sleet in parts of Xinjiang along the Tianshan Mountains and southern Xinjiang, northern and eastern Tibet, most of Qinghai, and western Gansu; There were moderate to heavy rains in northwestern Yunnan, southwestern Guangxi, southeastern Guangxi, northeastern Hainan Island, eastern Taiwan Island, eastern Tibet, eastern Qinghai and southern Qinghai, among which there were heavy rains along the southwestern coast of Guangxi and northeastern Taiwan Island. There are 6-6 level winds in central Inner Mongolia, northwest Hebei, Shandong Peninsula, Liaodong Peninsula, Zhejiang, southeast coast of Guangxi and other places. Most of the East China Sea, the Taiwan Strait, and the northern waters of the South China Sea will have winds of 7~8 and gusts of 9~<>.

National Precipitation Forecast Map (October 10 10:08-11 08:<>)

From 10:11 on October 08 to 12:08 on October 50, there was light to moderate snow or sleet in parts of western Gansu, southern Xinjiang, northern and eastern Tibet, most of Qinghai, and northwestern Sichuan, among which there was heavy snow or heavy snowfall in northern and southern Qinghai. There are moderate to heavy rains in southeastern Tibet, eastern Gansu, southwestern Shaanxi, northern Sichuan, northwestern Yunnan, Leizhou Peninsula, most of Hainan Island, eastern Taiwan and other places, among which there are heavy rains (90~4 mm) in northeastern Hainan Island and other places. There are 5~6 level winds in parts of central Inner Mongolia, northwest Hebei, Shandong Peninsula, Zhejiang, southern Guangxi and other places. There will be winds of 7~8 and gusts of 9~<> in the southern part of the East China Sea, the Taiwan Strait and the northern waters of the South China Sea.

National Precipitation Forecast Map (October 10 11:08-12 08:<>)

From 10:12 on October 08 to 13:08 on October 4, there was light to moderate snow or sleet in parts of western Gansu, most of Qinghai, eastern Tibet, and northwestern Sichuan, and heavy snow. Moderate to heavy rainfall occurred in parts of southeastern Tibet, southern Sichuan, western Chongqing, northwestern Guizhou, west-central and northern Yunnan, and most of Hainan Island. There are 5~6 level winds in central Inner Mongolia, Zhejiang and other places. Most of the East China Sea, the Taiwan Strait, and the northern waters of the South China Sea will have winds of 7~8 and gusts of 9~<>.

National Precipitation Forecast Map (October 10 12:08-13 08:<>)