Jincheng, October 10 (Reporter Li Tingyao) The reporter learned from the Jincheng City Public Security Bureau in Shanxi Province on the 10th that it took four days for the police in Jincheng District and the parents of the students to rescue female college students across provinces, and with the cooperation of the Xianyang police in Shaanxi, Fang Fang (pseudonym), who was deceived into the pyramid scheme den, was rescued.

The police in Jincheng, Shanxi Province rescued the female college student across provinces and helped her escape for 4 days. Photo courtesy of Jincheng police

"I'm locked up in a little dark room." On the evening of September 9 this year, Ms. Chen (pseudonym), who lives in Jincheng, received a WeChat message from her daughter Fangfang, who is studying in a foreign university, thinking of her recent abnormal behavior of not answering video calls, and suddenly realized that her daughter was likely to be deceived.

At the beginning of September this year, Fang Fang received a message about a children's drama in Xianyang City, Shaanxi Province recruiting dancers in a commonly used part-time group, and the cost, itinerary, work location and other content seemed very real. Compared with the previous performance experience of going out, Fang Fang decided to go after discussing with her classmates. Unexpectedly, the "staff" took her to a remote "training course".

"Make this your home; Don't tell loved ones where you are now; Can't pick up videos; WeChat chat and call us to say..." Listening to the "staff's" request, Fang Fang realized that she might have fallen into a pyramid scheme. In order to get out as soon as possible, Fang Fang could only pretend to cooperate, so as to find an opportunity to seek help from the outside world.

On the evening of September 9, Fang Fang finally sent a message to her parents. Fangfang's parents, who were eager to save their daughter, drove to Xianyang City that night. After a whole day when Fang Fang could not be found, a relative was asked to go to the West Street Police Station of the Jincheng Public Security Bureau to call the police for help.

On the evening of September 9, the police on duty at the West Street Police Station received the police for help, and after understanding the situation, reported to the command center. The police of the Jincheng District Police Criminal Investigation Brigade and the police of the police station immediately went to Xianyang City to rescue the trapped people.

On the morning of September 9, the police received a video from Fang Fang's father, Mr. Zhang (pseudonym), which was the only video message sent by Fang Fang. Based on the information in the video, the police determined where Fang Fang last appeared. After merging with Mr. Zhang and others, the police divided into two routes, one around the target area to search for clues, and the other to request the assistance of the local police.

Within two days, the police conducted a carpet search of every possible hiding place, such as residential houses, basements, and hotels, within a 5-kilometer radius of Fangfang's last appearance, but found nothing. At this time, another investigating police came with a new clue: one day, after dinner, Fang Fang left in a car with a man and a woman. The police contacted the driver based on the vehicle information and determined Fangfang's drop-off location.

Early in the morning of the fourth day, the police began to squat as planned, carefully observing the passers-by. Until about 4 p.m., a man and a woman came into the eyes of the police. After repeated comparison with the images of suspects appearing on the surveillance, the police determined that they were Fang Fang's companions. After the number of people around became fewer, the police immediately stepped forward to control the two. The two finally explained the specific location of Fang Fang's detention.

The civilian police quickly moved to the location. Dilapidated buildings, noisy streets... The situation in this urban village is complicated. In order to prevent the transfer of personnel, the civilian police blocked the entrance and exit of the house after learning the situation.

There was a knock on the door, the house quickly died silent, and the lights were extinguished. When the police in charge of blocking the backyard used a strong flashlight to look inside the house through the glass, they found a group of people curled up in a corner.

After repeated warnings that the shouts were invalid, the police decided to break down the door. A full 18 people were crammed into a small house, and when Fang Fang saw her parents behind the police, she rushed over and hugged her head and cried.

At this point, Fang Fang, who had been deceived into a pyramid scheme den for 6 days, was rescued. The above-mentioned "gangs" have been handed over to the local police. (End)