The "Al-Aqsa flood" coming from the proud Palestinian Gaza as a mighty and horrific earthquake for the usurping Zionist entity came to reveal the looseness, softness and fragility of the occupation army, and again dropped the lie of the "invincible army". This army did not withstand the fighters of the Izz al-Din al-Qassam Brigades, the military wing of the Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas), and the Al-Quds Brigades (the military wing of Islamic Jihad).

Al-Qassam fighters, a resistance faction and not a regular army, have been infiltrating and storming since dawn last Saturday the "Gaza envelope towns" occupied by the Zionist entity since the 1948 Nakba, and controlling them, perhaps until now, after initially surprising 11 military sites of the occupation army, by attacking and storming, killing and capturing hundreds of soldiers, and wounding thousands more. According to IDF statements, Hamas operatives stormed the Kfar Saad area of the Gaza Strip in the early hours of Tuesday morning, and are fighting as of this writing (a few hours ago).

Al-Aqsa Flood This major military operation shocking the "usurping Zionist entity" militarily, security and intelligence, debalanced it, and confirmed that "Israel is weaker than the spider's web", as described by the Secretary-General of the Lebanese Hezbollah in 2006, against the backdrop of the victory of its fierce fighters over the Israeli army in southern Lebanon at the time. Just as the October 1973 war, in which Egypt won militarily, security and intelligence, the Zionist entity lost its balance in 6 hours, according to the late Egyptian President Anwar Sadat, and had it not been for "politics failing weapons," in the words of the late journalist Mohamed Hassanein Heikal, the gains and fruits would have been much greater and more precious than just liberating Sinai.

Prestige that will not return and reverse migration

But what are the potential repercussions of this unique military operation, in its planning, deception, and execution? "Israel" is facing difficult choices, as the "Al-Aqsa flood" sowed fear and terror in the hearts of the "settlers" in the Gaza envelope, and the harsh experience they lived, with the inability of the Israeli entity and its army to protect them, may push them to flee in "reverse migration", which is what Israel fears, which seeks to attract world Jews to immigrate to it. The "flood" has completely torn the image that Israel has always painted of itself as a strong and unbeatable state, which has made it an exile for the Jews of the world, and an attractive force for the defeatists and the prostrate Arabs, seeking normalization, as the protector of fever, which is not broken by dust. This collapse, even for several hours, of Israel, and the exposure of its fragility and humiliation in the face of the "Al-Aqsa flood", strikes the normalization efforts with some Arab countries in death, or at least, forces those seeking normalization to stop and wait. Therefore, under these considerations, with its loss of balance for some time, its deterrence capabilities completely eroded, and its absence, leaving the settlers alone in the face of the Al-Aqsa flood, Israel needs to take revenge with the strongest and greatest possible ability, to restore its miserable image, and to restore the prestige that has gone and will not return.

Black on defenseless and a distant Israeli dream

Israel can only intensify its brutal airstrikes on the Gaza Strip, killing innocent civilians, and demolishing homes on the heads of its inhabitants, this is what its army, whose "soldiers" are black over the unarmed, while fleeing or surrendering is their most important behavior in front of any fighter, as has happened repeatedly (the October 1973 war, southern Lebanon 2006, and finally the Al-Aqsa flood, etc.). Israel seeks to push the Palestinians of the Gaza Strip to rebel against Hamas, or to empty the Gaza Strip of its inhabitants, by forcing them to flee from Israel, preferably to emigrate to Sinai. This Israeli goal is a distant dream, as the attack on the Gaza Strip, and before it the killings, displacements, arrests, dragging and demolition of homes (in all the occupied territories), and over the course of many previous rounds, and the previous occupation of the Gaza Strip (1967-2005), are all behaviors that Gaza is accustomed to, and would unite the Gaza ranks, in the face of the Zionist enemy.

38 Years of Occupation of the Gaza Strip and Softening Hamas' Negotiating Position

Despite the threat of an Israeli "ground invasion" of the Gaza Strip, and the mention of it by the United States, it is an unlikely possibility, if Israel takes this step, it may push Hamas' allies (Lebanese Hezbollah, Yemen's Houthis, and other Iraqi groups, and perhaps Syria), to engage in the war against it, which Israel cannot afford, nor does America, which is preoccupied with the Russian-Ukrainian war, and wants to curb China, does not want. From another angle, the "Zionist entity" had previously occupied the Gaza Strip for about 38 years, and was forced to withdraw from it under duress due to the bleeding of losses. It has also suffered heavy losses in previous attempts to invade the Gaza Strip (in 2014, for example), as the densely populated enclave, home to more than two million people, is crammed over an area of approximately 375 square kilometers, and represents a burden beyond Israel's bearability. There are about 200 Israeli soldiers and officers captured by Hamas, brought by its fighters from military sites located in the cities of the Gaza periphery, and they represent a very important pressure card in the hands of Hamas, to exchange them for Palestinian prisoners languishing in the occupation prisons.

Arab popular anger and the madness of the Zionist gang

One of the repercussions of the "Al-Aqsa flood" remains for our Arab rulers to pay attention to the volcano of anger sweeping the Arab peoples over the massacres committed by the Zionist entity against the people of Gaza and the killing it practices against its inhabitants, women, children, youth, men and the elderly. May the Arab rulers stop the steps of normalization and take a strong and unified position against the Zionist practices against the Gaza Strip and the Palestinian people in general. Otherwise, they should expect this anger to explode in their faces, threatening their thrones. The "Al-Aqsa flood" has its aftermath, no matter how crazy and deranged the Zionist gang ruling the usurping entity goes, it cannot ignore its connotations, meanings and messages. This flood showed that the Zionist entity is not much different from the spider's web in weakness, weakness and fragility, despite all its diverse and super-strong elements. Israel's continuation of its oppressive and racist practices against the Palestinian people, the owners of land, glory and history, yearning for freedom, dignity and independence, will not work, and will mean that it does not understand what happened in the flood. Israel will not enjoy peace and live in security unless it respects and recognizes the legitimate rights of the Palestinian people, leaves the folly and arrogance of power that has not spared it from the flood, and does not prevent it from what is to come, if it is not deterred and returns to reason, for rights do not die.

We ask God for mercy for the righteous martyrs of Gaza, patience for their families, speedy recovery for the wounded, and victory for the struggling Palestinian people.