• Journalism Real research projects from the beginning of the course with the Master of Research, Data and Visualization of EL MUNDO
  • Training Master in Research, Data and Visualization

The Master of Investigative Journalism, Data and Visualization of EL MUNDO will soon premiere the new course, giving the best journalistic training to future reporters. The 2023-24 academic year of this master's degree taught by the School of Editorial Unity and the Francisco de Vitoria University was the first postgraduate course in Spain and Latin America specialized in investigative journalism, analysis of large amounts of data and development of visualizations.

The experience and the continuous improvements in their program lead to students starting from the first day of class with real research projects, which in the vast majority of cases end up being published.

This past year we have lived several examples of work done by students, individual or group research projects that have ended up looking in digital and printed format in the newspaper EL MUNDO. One of the projects carried out has been a special on the smuggling of Indian migrants, focused on the mafias that traffic in people.

In this work it was possible to verify how Spain is one of the main points on the route made by migrants from India or Pakistan to their final destination, the United States. The passage through Spain is essential to provide them with false documentation and achieve a place on direct flights from Madrid to Mexico, where they will finally make the last leg of the journey before crossing the border of the Rio Grande.

Another of the projects has dealt with free cosmetic surgery operations to some influencers, something could be violating the law and the code of ethics, in some of the cases. This work was carried out by two of the students of the master's degree.

Among many other works, specials on euthanasia have also been published, where two of the students of the master's degree revealed for the first time how the data show a new type of objectors among doctors, who are those who refuse to practice euthanasia is due to lack of training and not convictions.

In addition, there have been several data projects focused on the arrests of jihadists, which concentrate in Catalonia a higher rate than in the rest of Spain; Investigations into the fate of the thousands of tons of clothes that are thrown into containers, and sometimes into illegal dumps, projects focused on the youngest where clues are given to be able to live in a Spanish city while studying a university career...

The new course of the Master of Investigative Journalism, Data and Visualization will begin on October 25 and there are still some free places.

In this course there will also be several research projects with professors Gabriela Galarza, José F. Leal or Quico Alsedo, which will be carried out in groups from the first day, in addition to the master's thesis projects that, as usual among the students of this postgraduate course, are also usually published on the pages and on the website of EL MUNDO. If you are interested in participating and learning investigative journalism with the best professionals active from day one, you can check here.

The school of editorial unit also offers scholarships of up to 25% of the tuition for students who meet the necessary conditions.

  • Data journalism
  • Journalism
  • Master THE WORLD
  • Education