□ Pan Congwu, reporter of this newspaper

□ Zhang Xiu, correspondent of this newspaper

Emerging industries such as e-sports hotels and homestays provide convenience for everyone's leisure and entertainment and travel, but due to management difficulties, minors staying alone can easily go astray or be harmed.

How to ensure the safety of the "Youth Tour"? Recently, a reporter from "Rule of Law Daily" and prosecutors visited some e-sports hotels and homestays in Urumqi, Xinjiang, to learn about the relevant situation.

At the entrance of an e-sports hotel, the reporter did not see a sign prohibiting minors from entering. However, Li, the owner of the e-sports hotel, stressed that the hotel does not accept minors, "after the front desk checks the identity, we will let guests into the room, in order to prevent minors from entering the hotel, we will check the guest room from time to time, and find that there is a change in the occupant, and we will deal with it in time."

The reporter learned that many e-sports hotels will strictly prohibit visitors from entering by strengthening monitoring to avoid minors from entering.

Compared with e-sports hotels, the security risks and management of minors staying in homestays are higher.

After the visit to the e-sports hotel in the jurisdiction, the procurator and the police of the police station visited the homestay in the jurisdiction. During the visit, the reporter found that many homestays were no different from ordinary residents' houses except for the "so-and-so homestay" written on the door number, and did not see the owners and staff of the homestays.

"The hotel front desk verifies information such as the identity of the guest, which is different for some B&Bs." Li Le, prosecutor of the First Procuratorate Department of the Toutunhe District People's Procuratorate, said that many homestays do not have a front desk, and travelers can get an entry code after contacting the boss through the platform, and few homestay owners will verify the identity of travelers.

Li Le told reporters about a case handled by the hospital in August this year: a 8-year-old girl traveled to Wushi by car, booked a homestay online and stayed alone, and was almost sexually assaulted.

There are many reasons for the difficulty in supervising accommodation establishments such as homestays, short-term rentals, and daily rentals. "On the one hand, the laws and regulations governing the homestay industry are not perfect, the responsibilities are not clear, and the penalties are not clear, resulting in a lack of understanding of the regulations by homestay operators; On the other hand, the supervision of the homestay industry involves public security, fire protection, tourism, health, market supervision and other departments, with many regulatory subjects, and also has the characteristics of scattered accommodation locations, strong personnel mobility, and poor platform supervision, resulting in the current key and difficult problems exposed by the homestay industry cannot be substantially resolved. Li Le said that in addition, minors lack awareness of self-protection, and guardians also have deficiencies in education and protection.

"Minors must not be allowed or allowed to enter commercial entertainment venues and other places that are not suitable for minors' activities." Pu Keke, vice president of the Wuerhe District People's Court in Karamay, said that parents should understand and grasp the travel situation of minors, and often educate their children on personal safety and traffic safety.

Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region People's Congress deputy Atonguli Tusong, a teacher at Wensu County No. 1 Middle School, believes that many political and legal cadres and police officers who serve as "vice principals for rule of law" in primary and secondary schools can fully perform their legal supervision duties on the protection of minors, deepen the comprehensive judicial protection of minors, and provide strong judicial guarantees for the healthy growth of minors. The higher the quality of the "Vice Principal for Rule of Law" law popularization course, the better the guidance and education effect for children.

"Carrying out special supervision in the linkage of 'procuratorial police' is an important measure for judicial organs to strengthen the protection of minors, and it is also an effective means to urge e-sports hotels, homestays and other units to standardize their operations." Li Le said. (Rule of Law Daily)