Solène Delinger // Photo credits: John Phillips / GETTY IMAGES EUROPE / Getty Images via AFP 18:46 p.m., October 10, 2023

Suffering from breast cancer, the influencer, Caroline Receveur, announced that she had finished her chemotherapy via a heartbreaking video shared on her Instagram account on Monday, October 9. The 35-year-old appears with a shaved head and is applauded by caregivers when she rings a bell to mark this important milestone in her healing process.

Caroline Receveur is on the road to recovery. Suffering from breast cancer, the 35-year-old influencer has finally finished her chemotherapy. This was announced on Monday, October 9 on her Instagram account. "More than 100 days of treatments and six cycles of TCHP chemotherapy later, here I am taking the first step in my long-distance race towards a complete recovery," she wrote in the caption of a moving video where she can be seen, with a shaved head, thanking caregivers and then ringing a bell, a symbol of the end of this first care pathway.

>> ALSO READ – EUROPE 1 ET VOUS - Breast cancer: self-palpation, a little-known preventive gesture but within everyone's reach

"I've been on a roller coaster"

Caroline Receveur said she was diagnosed with breast cancer last July. "I went through the roller coaster, I cried, I doubted, I was scared, but little by little all this gave way to an immense wave of benevolence towards myself and towards this stage that today allows me to realize the meaning of the word: LIVE. I will remember those five months spent in suffering, of course, but above all in love, in light and in faith," she said on her Instagram account.

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The influencer is not yet fully cured. "I still have the stages of surgery, radiotherapy and immunotherapy," she says. Optimistic, Caroline Receveur feels ready to face these next steps and to talk about her fight on social networks. "Of course, I will continue to share the stages of my long-distance race, but I will develop my experience in depth when I cross the finish line," concludes the young woman.