Marie Gicquel // Photo credit: BERTRAND GUAY / AFP 09:10 a.m., October 10, 2023

60 years ago, Édith Piaf, the famous performer of "La Vie en Rose" and one of the most famous French artists in the world, died. Her memory and her belongings bequeathed by her husband are kept in a very small museum, a former apartment where she lived, which can only be visited by appointment.


He is perhaps the most famous French artist in the world. 60 years after her death, Édith Piaf still unleashes passions and fascinates with her moving story. Today, many of her husband's belongings are kept in a private museum-apartment in the 11th arrondissement, which can only be visited by appointment. A place that bears witness to the atypical career of La Môme, in a confidential atmosphere. The objective is to preserve the soul of the artist, in all its singularity.

Several thousand photos and other relics

As soon as you enter, a funny character greets visitors: a giant teddy bear the size of Édith Piaf, 1m47. "She had several stuffed animals like that," says Bernard Marchois, founder of the museum and friend of La Môme. "She even has her favorite stuffed animal, a little bunny, which is buried with her in her coffin," he said.

The man has been guarding the place and the belongings for more than 50 years, including his stage costumes with his black dresses, "the most symbolic object that represents Edith". But also her pumps in size 34, dozens of words and letters, photos and then a real relic: the boxing gloves of her lover, Marcel Cerdan. "He had brought Edith training gloves to her house, which she had kept after her death."

>> ALSO READ – Édith Piaf, a classic of French song

But with the artist's hectic life, a lot of belongings are piled up in this tiny apartment. "We have about 6,000 photos, which is huge. We also have trunks full of Edith's belongings," confirms Bernard Marchois. The association "Friends of Edith Piaf" is campaigning for a real space to celebrate her eternal Kid.