Haikou, October 10 (Lingnan) On October 8, the Academy of Fine Arts of Hainan Normal University held the "Lijin Designer and Design Service Platform Project Works Release Conference" to show representatives of Lijin related enterprises and industry experts the platform's excellent Li clothing design and clothing design works.

Li element costume show. Photo by Ling Nan

It is understood that the "Lijin Designer and Design Service Platform" uses the form of WeChat mini program to build a communication channel for Lijin enterprises, inheritors and workshops to connect with Lijin designers online and offline, introduce and gather excellent educational resources and designer resources of domestic universities, and customize and provide design works and products that meet the needs of the market and consumers. The platform provides free design services to Lijin production enterprises, inheritors, workshops, etc. in Hainan Province, aiming to solve the problem of insufficient R&D and design links in Lijin industry in Hainan Province, realize the effective docking of design and product production, and create a chain of industrialization development of Hainan Lijin through design-driven innovation.

Li element costume show. Photo by Ling Nan

"At present, the service platform has settled in 36 Lijin enterprises, cooperatives and studios in the province, and Lijin designers have established communication channels with enterprises through the service platform." Liu Cheng, Deputy Director of Hainan Provincial Department of Tourism, Culture, Radio, Television and Sports, introduced that as a great crystallization of Hainan's local aesthetic awareness, life style, cultural customs and artistic accumulation, Lijin Technique contains unique spiritual value and cultural significance, and its inheritance and development should become an important part of the realization of cultural mission.

Professor Zhang Yin, Dean of the School of Fine Arts and Project Leader of Hainan Normal University, introduced that since the operation of the platform, members of the project team have gone to Beijing Institute of Fashion Technology, Tsinghua University, Donghua University, Zhejiang Sci-Tech University, Jiangnan University and other institutions to negotiate and communicate, determine cooperation intentions, sign 50 main designers, participate in design and development and sample production a total of 249 models/pieces, and obtain 562 certificates of enterprise adoption.

Jia Jingsheng, doctoral supervisor at the Academy of Art and Design of Tsinghua University, said that the platform project has the practical significance of inheriting and developing intangible cultural heritage, highlighting the characteristics of keeping pace with the times. Wang Liqun, a teacher at the School of Fashion Art and Engineering of Beijing Institute of Fashion Technology, said that promoting the creative transformation and innovative development of intangible cultural heritage and strengthening the protection and inheritance of intangible cultural heritage can not only inject strong momentum into the industrialization development of Lijin, but also provide vigorous vitality for inheriting the excellent traditional Chinese culture and promoting cultural self-confidence and self-improvement. (End)