Close and practical information is already at your fingertips on WhatsApp. You can follow us to receive a daily selection of our content in the most used messaging application. A comfortable option to be aware of the news without leaving that app or if you have not had time to visit our website.

This new form of content distribution starts with the commitment to be useful, non-invasive, and to respect privacy. In the EL MUNDO channel on WhatsApp we do not have access to your phone number or your data. Nor is it in view of the rest of our followers.

Joining the EL MUNDO channel on WhatsApp is very easy, you can access it now in this link, clicking at the end of the process the option 'Follow'.

Another way is to open the WhatsApp app and head to the 'What's New' tab. When pressed, the states appear and, a little lower, the channels. The app itself suggests some and displays a 'Search channels' box. After finding the El Mundo channel, just choose the 'follow' option. From that moment, you will begin to receive information from EL MUNDO on WhatsApp.

  • WhatsApp
  • Journalism