Taizhou, October 10 (Xi Jinyan, Lai Enbin, Wang Beilei) At 1 a.m. on October 10, during the inspection of the Shajiao Outer Line located in the south of Wenling, Zhejiang, the substation maintenance personnel of the Changxing track in Taizhou, Zhejiang Province were climbing the hill to carry out operations to "take the pulse of the line power equipment."

"Ten thousand families reunited to welcome the Mid-Autumn Festival, and the four seas celebrated the National Day with joy." In 2023, the Mid-Autumn Festival and National Day are coming one after another, and in the Taizhou Changxing Rail Industrial and Electrical Center, there is a substation maintenance team composed of 44 people, who silently guard the safety of line power supply with sweat.

Taizhou S1 Line is jointly operated by CRRC Engineering Technology Co., Ltd., a subsidiary of CRRC, Zhejiang Rail Group, a subsidiary of Zhejiang Communications Group, and Taizhou Rail Company, a subsidiary of Taizhou Traffic Investment Group. By the end of September, the total number of passengers on the line exceeded 9.721 million, with an average daily passenger volume of about 2,66, and the punctuality rate reached 99.98%.

There are 1 substations on Taizhou S38 line, of which 3 are located on the top of the mountain. In order to ensure the safety and stability of line power consumption, maintenance personnel have to conduct routine inspections of external supply lines every month, and an inspection takes more than 20 days. The conditions for patrolling the outer route are extremely difficult, with 42 kilometers of climbing distances of 35 kilometers of mountain roads, and a pole can only be reached every half hour.

Taizhou Changxing track substation inspectors climbed mountains and mountains to carry out maintenance operations. Photo courtesy of Zhejiang Rail Group

Due to the difficult road of inspection, every time the inspection is carried out, the substation inspector must "move forward in full gear", and in the bulging "treasure bag" on his body, in addition to common maintenance tools, telescopes, record books and other items, there is also a firewood knife specially used to open the road.

"It's like an unknown adventure, with steep slopes everywhere, weeds growing taller than people, and you can be scratched by thorny vines if you are not careful, and you have to be very careful to avoid these obstacles. Wood knives are a must-carry for us up the mountain, both to remove weeds and shrubs and to drive away insects and snakes. Wang Xun, the leader of the Taizhou Changxing track worker, recalled the scene when he first patrolled the outer line. There was a winding path in the direction of the outer line of Shajiao, and this road was opened up by Wang Xun and everyone with a firewood knife.

Taizhou Changxing track substation maintenance personnel climbed mountains and mountains to carry out maintenance operations3. Photo courtesy of Zhejiang Communications Group

Walking deep in the mountains and shuttling on forest paths, substation inspector inspection members carry out fine patrol work along the direction of power line extension, while marking the information of completing the inspection on the notebook they carry with them, and record the problems found in detail.

"The three external substations contain a total of 3 power supply lines, 6 cable wells, and 273 pole towers, and at each place, we have to check whether the pole tower support is firm and check whether the cable connection has abnormal heat generation." Wang Xun introduced that due to the many inspection points, before each operation, the team members should refine the division of tasks according to the inspection plan, and carefully sort out the precautions and emergency preventive measures for operation. In the process of operation, Wang Xun must also assume the role of reminder and supervisor, always reminding everyone to do "one pole and one inspection, one line one measurement, one well and one look" to ensure that there are no dead ends in the line patrol work and all problems are found in a closed loop.

The weather is getting cooler, and Taizhou, Zhejiang Province has entered the autumn rainy season. Affected by the weather, the substation maintenance team is more busy, and the substation maintenance team is on standby around the clock, ready to arrive at the site as soon as possible in case of emergencies.

If urban rail transit is compared to the "human body", then the power supply system is like the "heart", providing a steady stream of energy for trains, lighting, air conditioning, communication and other equipment and facilities. Like Wang Xun, countless substation maintenance team members are on duty in the substation in the early morning, sticking to the track in the middle of the night, shouldering the responsibility of track safety. (End)