Solène Delinger 12:47pm, September 27, 2023

Valérie Lemercier was the guest of Europe 1 this Wednesday morning on the occasion of the release in the cinema of "Coup de chance", the new film by Woody Allen in which she plays the role of the mother of Fanny, the main character played by Lou de Laâge. At the microphone of Thomas Isle, the 59-year-old actress let herself go to some confidences about her own mother...

Valérie Lemercier is starring in Coup de chance, Woody Allen's fiftieth film, in which she plays the role of a worried mother after the disappearance of her daughter's lover... Invited in Culture Médias this Wednesday morning to talk about her role, the 59-year-old actress returned to a significant moment in her life: the day she received the César for best actress for her film Aline.

"My mother loved my shows"

At the time of her speech, Valérie Lemercier had paid tribute to her mother, telling her: "For the first time in your life, you loved me in a film and you told me in a message that I will always keep".

"She loved my shows and it's true that it's still what I did best because it's where I'm the freest," Valérie Lemercier told Thomas Isle on Europe 1.


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"So no, she didn't particularly like my films, but this one, yes. And it's even more touching today because she's still here, but she won't be able to go to the movies anymore. That was the last time she went to the movies. She saw Aline and it was nice of her to have given me her positive feeling, "concluded Valérie Lemercier, visibly moved by evoking her mother.