The crime scene is located in international waters, near the economic zones of Denmark and Sweden.

It was here, with pinpoint accuracy, so as not to disturb the border peace of neighboring countries by a single meter, exactly a year ago, three branches of two Russia-Germany gas pipelines, which everyone knows as Nord Stream 1 and Nord Stream 2, were blown up.

So much has changed in the world this year that so many pretend that an unprecedented act of international terrorism is simply a misunderstanding.

Literally immediately after the "act of sabotage" on the "streams", European, and German in particular, journalists started talking about the fact that sabotage of this magnitude could only be committed by a "state with high technologies", and therefore this is Russia (even the restrained edition of Cicero was noted). From the question of what Russia's interest in undermining the "flows" was, they were at first lost, but then cheerfully expounded the training manual: like, Vlad the Horrible has already deprived Germany of part of its gas revenues and therefore this is definitely him. True, the audience still remembered that this fresh German government, under extreme green slogans, declared war on "totalitarian" Russian gas much earlier. Plus, information leaked that exactly in those days exactly in that place the naval exercises of NATO and the United States took place, and the version about Russia was postponed for a while.

Although this summer she again sucked on the German TV channel N-TV.

Chancellor Scholz behaved very strangely, who answered all questions that information on this case is a threat to Germany's national security. And no one could understand: so the explosions of critical infrastructure are a security threat or information about who blew it up is a threat? And what is more important here? But when Der Spiegel reported that the CIA had warned him three months in advance of the threat of an explosion, everything fell into place. Because no one has ever said who exactly the CIA thinks will undermine the "flows."

In order for the public to finally go through the roof, newspapers actively began to throw in completely delusional versions: an attack by ISIS * supporters, as well as German Nazis from the NSU circle, although it was known that two of the three NSU members were secretly killed, and another woman is in prison. When the society was finally convinced that it was not without the Americans, the locals did not find anything better than to throw in a version of the 15-meter yacht "Andromeda" (investigation by Der Spiegel), which left Rostock (Germany) with Ukrainians on board, who came from Poland, reached the "streams" - and the famous "Ukrainian saboteurs" blew up the entire future of German industry to hell. At the same time, leaving traces of explosives on the table in the cabin.

The mention of Ukrainians in this context blew up society itself, the Germans yelled: "Why do we give them money and weapons if they blow up our pipeline?!"

Then the organizers of excusing the Americans from sabotage realized that they had gone too far, and began to say that they were Ukrainians who had nothing to do with the Ukrainian government, and Zelensky did not know anything.

So far, the federal government has remained silent. It refers to the investigation of the Federal Attorney General, which began in early October 2022: "A few days ago, Sweden, Denmark and Germany informed the UN Security Council that the investigation is ongoing and that so far there are no results." However, Scholz rushed like a boar to Biden, and no one knows what they were talking about, but after his return, Scholz fell silent altogether.

But the winner of the Pulitzer Prize Hersh spoke, who, in his investigation, blamed the United States for what happened, or rather Biden personally, who, by the way, quite openly threatened to "put an end to" flows ".

A year has passed. The perpetrators have not been found. All the German government says is, "We will strengthen the security of our infrastructure."

But he does not say from whom.

* "Islamic State" (IG, ISIS) - the organization is recognized as terrorist by the decision of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation of 29.12.2014.

The author's point of view may not coincide with the position of the editorial board.