A survey by the Association of Dialysis Physicians found that the fatality rate at the time of infection continues to be high at about 5% even after the position of the new coronavirus shifts to "Class 2" for patients undergoing dialysis, which is said to be prone to severe illness due to the new coronavirus Japan

The Japan Association of Dialysis Physicians, which is made up of doctors who perform artificial dialysis, conducted an independent survey on the infection status of dialysis patients after the new coronavirus moved to Class 5.

As a result, of the 5 people infected with the new coronavirus reported from 9 dialysis facilities nationwide from May to September 12, 61 people died, and the fatality rate was 257.6%.

In addition, 2.3% of all people were seriously ill at the time the infection was confirmed.

According to the medical association, these are about the same level as during the "eighth wave" of the epidemic from last year to this year.

The medical association states that people undergoing dialysis need to continue to be careful about infection after "Class 7".

Kan Kikuchi, director of the Japan Association of Dialysis Physicians, said, "Although the number of people who no longer care about infection is increasing after the transition to Class 5, people with underlying diseases such as kidney failure and dialysis patients are still at high risk of becoming seriously ill, so I would like them to take measures such as vaccination."