United States: Hollywood screenwriters and studios reach agreement to end strike

After almost five months of strike, the writers announced Sunday, September 24, to have reached an agreement in principle with the studios. It will still take a few steps before a return to normal, but this is the first real breakthrough in a long time.

The writers' union apparently got everything it asked for: higher salaries and residual payments as well as guarantees on the minimum number of authors employed for a series and the use of artificial intelligence. (Illustrative image) AP - J. David Ake

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After almost five months of strike, the big bosses of studios such as Netflix, Disney, Universal and Warner Bros Discovery personally entered the negotiation a few days ago. They sent their best and last offer on Saturday, September 23 to the WGA - the writers' union -. "We can say, with great pride, that this agreement is exceptional, with significant gains and protections for writers in all areas of activity of the members," the WGA said in a statement sent to all its members.

The union apparently got everything it was asking for, namely higher wages and residual payments, as well as guarantees on the minimum number of authors employed for a series and safeguards against the use of artificial intelligence. These last two points apparently required last-minute negotiations, reports our correspondent in Los Angeles, Loïc Pialat. It was expected that the agreement would be concluded before Yom Kippur and it did.

An agreement that could serve as a basis for the actors' strike

There are still a few steps before a return to normal since it is now necessary for the various committees of the union to approve the agreement for it to be submitted to the vote of its 11,000 members. Details of the text will be communicated in the coming hours. Even if they will probably approve the text, it will not put Hollywood back to work immediately, says our correspondent in Washington, Guillaume Naudin.

After the writers, the actors joined the movement, bringing the entire sector to a standstill. Filming, theatrical releases, television and online streaming services have accumulated delays. This historic social conflict has already cost the local economy $5 billion, with an impact on many peripheral professions. The studios will now turn to the actors who have been on strike since July 14. The agreement with the writers could serve as a basis for discussion since the two groups have similar demands.

The WGA and AMPTP have reached an tentative agreement. This was made possible by the enduring solidarity of WGA members and extraordinary support of our union siblings who stood with us for over 146 days. More details coming after contract language is finalized. #WGAStrike pic.twitter.com/GBg2wZBwGB

— Writers Guild of America West (@WGAWest) September 25, 2023

" READ ALSO Strike in Hollywood: "In France, we partly share the concerns of American screenwriters and directors"


And with AFP)

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