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The dryer is really useful, since it saves us from having to hang outdoors. And sometimes it is impossible because of the rain and, in addition, the sun can discolor or yellow the garments. However, this appliance has earned some bad reputation, since there is a myth that it can spoil clothes, perhaps because the first models were not reliable, but this has more urban legend than reality. The important thing, in any case, is to use it correctly.

How to get the most out of your dryer?

To get the most out of your dryer, from the appliance store Navarrete Online advise using dryer balls (they would also be worth some worn tennis or paddle balls). What they do is create spaces between the garments so that the air circulates. "If there is no space between the garments, it takes longer the drying time, usually more wrinkles are created and knots are formed," details the aforementioned establishment in a video on its YouTube channel.

Is it true that the dryer shrinks clothes?

Although technology has evolved and dryers are becoming more efficient and intelligent, they can shrink some garments. The explanation lies in the very nature of tissues. "Both wool and cotton, for example, tend to curl up on themselves when too much heat is applied to them. In its composition, its fibers bond more and makes it impossible to separate them," explain Teka's experts.

What you can't put in the dryer

A garment with sequins. PEXELS

To avoid taking a dislike when using the dryer, it is important to keep in mind that there are certain garments that can not be put in this appliance. They are listed by the experts of the Spanish brand EVVO:

  • Dirty clothes: clothes must have been washed before putting them in the dryer. Otherwise, it will be very difficult to remove the stains afterwards.
  • Non-breathable fabric garments: for example, you should not put the slippers, which usually have rubber in their composition, or the shower mats.
  • Delicate clothing: garments of fabrics such as silk or linen could be damaged inside this appliance.
  • Clothes with beads: if you have some clothes with sequins or some other ornament, you should know that you can not put them in the dryer.
  • Garments of special fabrics: leather, latex, suede or leather, among others, can suffer damage to this appliance.
  • Swimwear: Unless otherwise stated on the label, swimsuits and bikinis are not dryer safe.
  • Wool garments: it is another fabric that could be damaged in the dryer, so, unless the label allows it, they can not be dried in this appliance either.

Tips to prevent spoiling clothes in the dryer

From the Organization of Consumers and Users (OCU) they offer us a series of tips to prevent clothes from spoiling in the dryer and for the appliance to last longer. Follow them and you will get your clothes clean, dry and practically like new:

  • Check the label of the garments: make sure if the garment in question can be put in the dryer or not.
  • Do not put inappropriate garments: we have already pointed out those that you can not put in the dryer, such as those that are dirty, that have rubber or that are made of delicate fabrics.
  • Separate clothes by weight: you should not wear both light and heavy garments, as the latter could crush the former.
  • Do not fill the dryer: always leave space in the drum and you will save energy and ironing time.
  • Choose the right program: you will spend less energy. If there is an inexpensive or fast program, resort to it.
  • Centrifuge in the washing machine at high speed: this way, when you take the clothes to the dryer, you can use a fast cycle and save energy.
  • Take out your clothes as soon as you finish the dryer: this will avoid having to iron excessively.
  • Perform proper maintenance of the dryer: after each use empty the water tank and clean the filter. If yours has the removable condenser, wash it every 10 or 12 programs with cold water and, if not, use a vacuum cleaner. There is also regular cleaning of the vent, drum and humidity sensor.

The best trick to perfume clothes from the dryer

On the GiorTube YouTube channel they tell a trick to perfume the clothes of the dryer. Cut and fold a tea towel and store it in a container. Then add about 30 ml of the softener you prefer, cover and stir well. You will only have to put the cloth in the dryer when you are going to start it and the clothes will come out perfumed. In addition, you can use the same cloth on several occasions.