Julien Pichené 11:34 am, September 25, 2023

It's D-Day for Laurent Ruquier. After leaving France 2 at the beginning of the summer, the host will take his first steps on BFMTV this Monday evening. "I can't wait," he said Monday morning at the microphone of "Culture Media". We will discover the columnists who surround him live on television.

Laurent Ruquier left France Télévisions at the beginning of the summer. We will find him tonight on a private channel: BFMTV. The host refused to go this weekend on the set of What an Era!. His former accomplice, Léa Salamé, had invited him to promote his new show.

On the other hand, he agreed to confide in Europe 1 before this new adventure which begins today at 20h on BFMTV. The show, which will last an hour, will simply be called Le 20h de Laurent Ruquier. This is the first time since the beginning of his career that he will be on the air at 20pm. It's an unusual schedule for him. But he doesn't have a problem with that. "That's it, I have only one word to say to you: I can't wait to be at 20pm tonight. Obviously, it has nothing to do with the big mass of the 20pm newspaper. It will be a show where we will give information but especially where we will comment on it, "explains Laurent Ruquier on Europe 1.

New faces around Ruquier

To comment on this information, there will be a group of columnists around Laurent Ruquier and journalist Julie Hammett, who will co-present with him. At the microphone of Europe 1, the star of the PAF did not wish to reveal the identity of these speakers. "I think it's good that viewers have the curiosity to discover the different debaters over the days from Monday to Thursday. There will be enough comments after seeing them, "justifies Laurent Ruquier. "There will be new faces and obviously other signatures that we know a little better either because we saw them on BFM TV or because I was able to work with them in other circumstances. In any case, they will really be journalists or speakers related to the news, "he explains.


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Laurent Ruquier also told the microphone of Europe 1 that he was not anxious at the idea of finding himself in a particularly competitive box in terms of audiences. On the contrary, he says. Because this is a time when there are many people in front of the television. He also said that if a big news came down at 19:50 p.m. for example, he would give up his place that night.